Category: Reporting (page 1 of 3)

Primary End of Year Reports: June 2023

Primary End of Year Report Instructions – June 2023

Good morning,

Leaders and Heads of Department, please to add this as an agenda item for the next team meeting.

Please find below any reminders and  updated instructions and make note of the following points:
  1. Curriculum statement:  Year level leaders, please work with your team to develop the curriculum statements English, Math, Topic and Chinese. These  will be added to each subject comment box.
  2. Character Formation Outcomes: These were added last year in the End of Year Report. Please take a look at these to familiarise yourself.
  3. Sample Comments: Teachers will find sample comments included in the guidelines, however please reach out to your YLL and the team for any support if needed.
  4. The report template is very similar to Semester 1 Report, with only the addition of Aspirational Grades for Years 5 & 6 students in Chinese, English and Mathematics.

End of Year Report-Writing-Instructions-2022-23

If you have any questions, please ask your Year Level Leader or Co-Head

Team leaders, please add this as an agenda item in your next team meeting. if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the co-heads.


Thank you!

Primary April Progress Reports 2023

Preparation for the April Progress Reports commence this week.

We have attached the Progress Report Instructions outlining expectations and the timeline to support you in completing these reports. For this report, teachers across all subjects (including specialist teachers) will be asked to provide an effort grade for each of the Approaches to Learning (ATL) Criteria.

Semester 2 April Progress-Report-Procedures and Guidelines.docx

Please make note of the following points:

  • EAL teachers please make note of the timelines set and pass comments directly to class teachers. These will be combined with the general comment.
  • Specialists teachers are also asked to share any comments necessary for students directly to teachers as this can provide a good picture of how the child is or is settling in for parents.
  • Moderation of effort marks is also scheduled into the timeline.
  • This is the first time we have done April Semester Two Progress Reports – Please see below key points and ideas of what can be included within the comment:

Below are some areas of focus you could include in the comment:

  • Return to school  – How they have settled back since holiday
  • ATLs towards achieving their aspirational goals and grades
  • Key areas of discussions within LC
  • Students involvement in CNY celebration activities

Do make sure that general comments from Semester 1 report do not conflict with what you write in your general comment for this report.

Please can we ask the Year Level Leaders to run through the guidelines in your team meetings this week.

If you have any questions, please inform Heads of Primary.

October Primary Progress Reports 2021

Good Afternoon!


Preparation for the October Progress Reports commence this week.

We have attached the Progress Report Instructions outlining expectations and the timeline to support you in completing these reports. There are no changes to the report guidelines and will follow the same format as last year.

Primary Progress Reports October 2021


Please make note of the following points:

  • Specialist and EAL teachers please make note of the deadline for comments to be passed to class teachers.
  • Specialists teachers are asked to share any comments necessary for students as this can provide a good picture of how the child is or is settling in for parents.
  • EAL teachers, please send your comments for EAL students directly to class teachers and they will combine them into the general comments.
  • Moderation of effort marks is also scheduled into the timeline.
  • There are sample comments in the guidance document for teachers to review, however to support our new teachers or those that are new to the year level, I would like to ask teams to please share some comments as examples amongst your teams. This can be organised through the year level leader or comments place in your team folder.

Please can we ask the Year Level Leaders to run through the guidelines in your team meetings this week.

If you have any questions, please let Jon or myself know.


Enjoy the week ahead!




Students Not Receiving a Report

The below students are not receiving a report, but remain enrolled at the school and thus need some documentation to testify to this. Thus we have created a document which we are calling: Acknowledgement of Student Enrolment. We ask you to use Word to complete this document (attached below), then save it as a PDF and email it to Ivy or Elia, who will print it with your reports.

The report has a box for a comment – this should be along the lines of a general comment, and can be brief, and based on your knowledge of the student prior to the school closure. Please submit this to your coordinator for proofreading by Friday (12th).

Please ensure you follow strictly the formatting on the template (e.g the capitalisation of the surname, keeping the font for the comment the same).

Final – No report students document

The following students should receive this document – if there are others who have done no e-learning at all, but remain enrolled, please let me know.

Y6 Riley Ip
Y6 Gregson Nash
Y5 Tim Chen
Y5 Elijah Gartz
Y3 Cillian Ip
Y3 Xena Grady
Y3 Emerson Nash
Y3 Yuqiao Chen
Y2 Ian Gartz
Y1 Xyra Grady
Y1 Amy Huang
Y1 Niccolo Petros




End of Year Reports – Important Information for all staff

Dear all,

The EoY report template is now ready for input from all teachers (EAL/Chinese/co-teachers and specialists). This includes the curriculum statements and the comments, as well as grades for personal development, EAL/English, Maths and Chinese.

Please see below important information about how to enter various data – this applies to everybody so please review carefully.

Guidance Document: Entering Curriculum Statements, Comments & Grades

Below please find templates of the report. Please check these and let us know if there are any irregularities.

YCIS SHPD Primary Report Y1

YCIS SHPD Primary Report Y2

YCIS SHPD Primary Report Y3


YCIS SHPD Primary Report Y4

YCIS SHPD Primary Report Y5

YCIS SHPD Primary Report Y6



Temporary Withdrawal Student Reports – How to Complete

Dear Teachers,

Please see below attachment for details of how to fill in the Temporary Withdrawal Report which is now available on PowerTeacher Pro.

Please note that you must discuss with coords any students who are changing from the report they were listed to receive on Teams.  This includes any students for whom you will be giving NA grades on the full report.

How to fill in the Temporary Withdrawal Report on PTP

Please see below for the template for the report.

YCIS SHPD Primary Withdrawal Report



Semester 1 Progress Reports Oct 2019

Good Afternoon and Happy Friday!!


It’s time to start the preparations for Progress Reports!

We have attached the Progress Report Instructions outlining expectations and the timeline to support you in completing these reports.  Progress-Report-Procedures-Oct-2019-20

This year, the main change to the report  is that the EAL teachers will not be sending a separate Progress Report home. They will include a short comment into the main class Progress Report. Please see the guidance in the attached instructions for information about this.

John and I will go through these in detail with you at your next year level meeting, so please can we ask the Year Level Leaders to add this to the next meeting agenda. Kathleen will also meet with EAL teachers.

A reminder for teams to ensure that effort marks are moderated within the team.


Enjoy your weekend!

Primary End of Year Report Instructions 2019

Morning all,
The time has come around for us to start preparing for End of Year Reports. Please take the time to read over the report instructions that have been attached.

End of Year-Report-Writing-Instructions-2019


Year Level leaders, please add this to your team meeting agenda either this week or next week.


Before you commence writing your comments, the first step is to ensure that your PTP is up-to-date and that you review grades given. It is also a good time for you to start making notes for student comments. As per last year, we will be asking Specialist teachers to pass on any relevant comments for students if necessary.  Amita will be coordinating this. Further information and due dates have been provided in the guidelines.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask your Year Level Leader or Coordinator.


Melissa & John

Mid Year Reports 2018-2019

The time has come around for us to start preparing for Mid Year Reports.

Please find below sample comments, and instructions for writing the mid-year reports. There are slight changes to the guidelines, as every year, so do take the time to review these carefully.

Sample Report Comments


Year Level leaders, please add this to your team meeting agenda for next week.

Before you commence writing your comments, the first step is to ensure that your gradebook is up-to-date and that you review grades given.

It is also a good time for you to start making notes for student comments. As per last year, we will be asking specialist teachers to pass on any relevant comments for students if necessary. Further information has been provided in the guidelines.

If you have any questions, please ask your Year Level Leader or Coordinator.


Melissa & John

Progress Report Instructions 2018-19

Progress Report writing will begin shortly.

We have attached the Progress Report Instructions outlining expectations and the timeline to support you in completing these reports.

We will go through these in detail with you at your next year level meeting, so please can we ask the Year Level Leaders to add this to the next meeting agenda.

We will also recap how to input marks and comments into Power Teacher Pro.

The instructions include a description of the effort marks you are allocating with a reminder for the year level to ensure that marks have been moderated within the team. We have added an additional step regarding moderation: please review this carefully – we will discuss this with YLLs next week.


Due to the Year 6 Camp, Year 6 follow an amended timeline. This is outlined in red on the document below.

Y6 Oct Progress-Report-Procedures

Let us know if you have questions.


John and Melissa

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