Primary End of Year Reports: June 2023

Primary End of Year Report Instructions – June 2023

Good morning,

Leaders and Heads of Department, please to add this as an agenda item for the next team meeting.

Please find below any reminders and  updated instructions and make note of the following points:
  1. Curriculum statement:  Year level leaders, please work with your team to develop the curriculum statements English, Math, Topic and Chinese. These  will be added to each subject comment box.
  2. Character Formation Outcomes: These were added last year in the End of Year Report. Please take a look at these to familiarise yourself.
  3. Sample Comments: Teachers will find sample comments included in the guidelines, however please reach out to your YLL and the team for any support if needed.
  4. The report template is very similar to Semester 1 Report, with only the addition of Aspirational Grades for Years 5 & 6 students in Chinese, English and Mathematics.

End of Year Report-Writing-Instructions-2022-23

If you have any questions, please ask your Year Level Leader or Co-Head

Team leaders, please add this as an agenda item in your next team meeting. if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the co-heads.


Thank you!

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