Category: Class Placement

Class Placements for 20/21 – Step 2

Following completion of the first step (due by this Friday, 5th June – info here ), we would subsequently like you to place students into class groups – this will be a similar process to last year.


  • The deadline for completion of this process is the end of the day on Friday, 12th June
  • Leaders should arrange a meeting in order to divide students into classes, as per the below:
    • Y1-> Y2: 5 classes
    • Y2-> Y3: 5 classes
    • Y3-> Y4: 5 classes
    • Y4 -> Y5: 3 classes
    • Y5-> Y6: 3 classes
    • Y6-> Y7: 3 classes
  • It may not be possible for you to have all the Chinese and International members present at this meeting, due to teaching commitments and teachers being overseas. It is imperative that leaders, both Chinese and Western, work with their teams, and together, to ensure everyone’s input is heard. Ensure that the relevant Student Support Teachers have had input.
  • It would save time if teachers tentatively divide their students up into class groups before this meeting
  • Stick each student’s info card on the class list posters – write the child’s name in pencil under where you plan to stick the child’s name (in case they fall off)
  • Current classes do not need to be evenly split up. (Eg, if there are 10 girls in a class, they do not have to be split up into 2s. You may decide to have 4 in two classes, 2 in one and none in the other two)
  • At the end of the process, leaders should fill in this form:…/Class-Placement-Summary-Form-2019.docx
  • Hand the posters and the forms to Ivy/Elia (Y2-6) or Janelle (Y7).

Balancing Class Groups

  • Take into account that you should be looking for the following to be balanced as far as possible (colours relate to the stickers from step 1):
    • Green (ability)             Advanced (possible leader / usually needs to be extended)
    • Grey (ability)              Student – meeting expectations, no issues
    • Blue (ability)               Student struggling to meet some expectations (probably on LS register)
    • Red (behaviour)          Students displaying some behaviour issues / concerns (identified by class teachers)
    • Pink (Sig Support)      Academic concerns/requiring individual support plan/IEP (identified by LS teachers)
    • Yellow (EAL)             EAL (for next year) – Identified by EAL

Other things to take into account:

    • Gender balance
    • Friendship groups
    • Clashes between students
    • Native English speakers
    • Chinese 1st Language speakers
    • Nationality / culture
    • Learning styles
    • Mix of leaders between the classes
    • Mix talents of students across the classes – ie sporting abilities, musical, artistic / creative etc
    • Classes across the year level have a mixture of parents who would get involved
    • Students are evenly spread across the classes so that the new students will also be evenly spread

Please Note

In all these cases, please keep a record of all requests and attach them to the class placement posters

  • If any parents make requests (eg to be placed with friends, type of teacher etc…) then please tell them that we will consider it, but that we will not be able to guarantee it.
  • For parent requests for specific teachers, please state that we are unable to take requests for specific teachers. However, please reassure them that we will place their child with a teacher whose teaching approach suits their child’s preferred learning style.
  • Teachers may also have suggestions for a specific teacher, due to type of teaching style that might suit a student in a special case – e.g. learning support, social issues etc… – in these cases send email to Rob
  • FYI: Please find attached the parent email: Parent Letter. 

Class Placements for 20/21 – Step 1

We need to start to think about class placements for the next academic year.

At this stage, there are a few possible scenarios for class arrangements next year. Therefore, at this stage, we are simply asking you to complete the placement templates below for each of your students who will be here next year. At this stage, you do not need to sort them into classes. We are giving you this information now so that you may get ahead on this first stage of the task, as when we ask you to do the class sort, this may be at quite short notice. Please aim to have this completed by next Friday, 5th June.

Colour code:

On each individual child card, we will use stickers (Primary) or coloured markers (ECE) to identify student needs and abilities – to balance the classes visually.  The teachers will be provided with stickers (in 411/see Veronica). Teachers then need to stick/colour these on the cards as required (more than one sticker may be necessary)

Green (ability)             Advanced (possible leader / usually needs to be extended)

Grey (ability)              Student – meeting expectations, no issues

Blue (ability)               Student struggling to meet some expectations (probably on LS register)

Red (behaviour)          Students displaying some behaviour issues / concerns (identified by class teachers)

Pink (Sig Support)      Academic concerns/requiring individual support plan/IEP (identified by LS teachers)

Yellow (EAL)             EAL (for next year) – Identified by EAL – this information will follow

Templates and Photos

The student card templates are attached as follows. These need to be filled in electronically rather than hand written. Please ensure the names of the students are filled in using the correct format (LAST, first).

The Office have printed the individual photos this week, which need to be stuck onto the student card. Please pick these up.

class placement boys template

class placement girls template

You can also, if you wish use the electronic photos from the server:

RP photos:

smb:// book 2019-2020/Photos/Headshots/RP/individual

CP photos:

smb:// 2019-2020/Photos/Headshot and Class Photos/individual

Withdrawn Students and Temporary Withdrawals

Temporary withdrawal students should be included. Do not include permanently withdrawn students.

See below for lists of these students

Y5-6 Temporary Withdrawal and Departure List

Y1-6 Departure & TW List

Please let the coordinators know if you have any questions.

Class Placement Procedures June 2019 – ECE & Primary

Dear all,

It’s that time of year again where we need to start to think about class placements for the next academic year. For those of you who were here last year, the procedures are quite similar, with a few minor changes. Please click the link below to view the procedures for class placements. Please read these carefully as it outlines a lot of important information. Please take particular note of the the last 3 bullet points at the end of the document. Your team leader will be discussing this with you in more detail at your next team planning meeting, however, if you still have questions related to this, then please let me know, or one of the coordinators.


An important step in ensuring that the classes are balanced, is the completion of  a summary chart for each year level (see example in link below).


The student card templates are attached as follows. It is best if these are filled in electronically rather than hand written. Please ensure the names of the students are filled in using the correct format (LAST, first). The Office will print the individual year book photos this week, which need to be stuck onto the student card.

class placement girls template

class placement boys template

As mentioned in the placement procedure document, the parents will not be able to choose friendship groups, and so it is very important that teachers put as much information in the ‘teacher suggestions’ box. If parents should happen to give you a request for their child to be placed with another student, please just thank them for letting you know and that you will keep this in mind, but that there are no guarantees. Please reassure them that you, as class teachers, will certainly take into considerations friendship groups when placing students in classes.

Finally, just for your information, the following blog post will be added to the parent blog this week. It will be translated prior to being sent.


Kind Regards,


Class Placement Procedures June 2017 – Primary

Dear all,

It’s that time of year again where we need to start to think about class placements for the next academic year. For those of you who were here last year, the procedures are quite similar, with a few minor changes. Please click the link below to view the procedures for class placements. Please read these carefully as it outlines a lot of important information. Your team leader will be discussing this with you in more detail at your next team planning meeting, however, if you still have questions related to this, then please let me know, or one of the coordinators.

Class Placement Procedures June 2017

An important step in ensuring that the classes are balanced, is the completion of  a summary chart for each year level (see example in link below). It is important that this is filled in to ensure that the classes remain balanced.

Class Placement Summary Form 2017

The student card templates are attached as follows. It is best if these are filled in electronically rather than hand written. Please ensure the names of the students are filled in using he correct format (LAST, first). The Office will send the individual year book photos this week, which need to be stuck onto the student card.

class placement boys template

class placement girls template

As mentioned, the parents will not be able to choose friendship groups, and so it is very important that teachers put as much information in the ‘teacher suggestions’ box. If parents should happen to give you a request for their child to be placed with another student, please just thank them for letting you know, but that there are no guarantees. Please reassure them that you, as class teachers, will certainly take into considerations friendship groups when placing students in classes.

Finally, just for your information, the following blog post will be sent to parents this week. It will be translated prior to being sent.

Class Placements Parent Blog 2017

Kind Regards,


ECE Class Placement- Updated

Dear all,

This is the update version-

It’s that time of year again where we need to start to think about class placements for the next academic year. For those of you who were here last year, the procedures are quite similar, with a few minor changes. Please click the link below to view the procedures for class placements. Please read these carefully as it outlines a lot of important information.

This year, we have added in the extra step of completing a summary chart for each year level (see example in link below), once the placements have been completed. This will help ensure that the classes remain balanced. Please make sure this list is included when you pass the final class list to the coordinators.


Class Placement Summary Form

The student card templates are attached as follows. Please use the individual Year Book Photos and type all names and information into box on cards

class placement – boys template

class placement – girls template

Parents are not able to choose friendship groups, and so it is very important that teachers put as much information in the ‘teacher suggestions’ box. If parents should happen to give you a request for their child to be placed with another student, please just thank them for letting you know, but that there are no guarantees. Also let the coordinators know if any parent have asked for their child to not be placed with another child. Please reassure them that you, as class teachers, will certainly take into considerations friendship groups  etc. when placing students in classes.

The office will also send you a list of students withdrawing from the ECE, these are the only students not to include on the class list. Even if you have been told a student is leaving unless it is official they must be placed into a class.

Timeline of Placement Dates

25 May 2016-Wednesday Staff meeting- introduce all ideas and talk about procedures

1 June 2016-Wednesday meet in Year levels to put list/classes together

3 June 2016- Friday all list/class need to be given to coordinators by the year Level leaders


If you have questions please talk with the coordinators. We will talk about this information in todays staff meeting.

V &L


Class Placement Procedures – Primary

Dear all,

It’s that time of year again where we need to start to think about class placements for the next academic year. For those of you who were here last year, the procedures are quite similar, with a few minor changes. Please click the link below to view the procedures for class placements. Please read these carefully as it outlines a lot of important information. Your team leader will be discussing this with you in more detail at your next team planning meeting, however, if you still have questions related to this, then please let me know, or one of the coordinators.

Class Placement Procedures 2016-17


This year, we have added in the extra step of completing a summary chart for each year level (see example in link below), once the placements have been completed. This will help ensure that the classes remain balanced

Class Placement Summary Form


The student card templates are attached as follows. Amita will send the individual year book photos, which need to be stuck onto the student card.

class placement – boys template

class placement – girls template

As mentioned, the parents will not be able to choose friendship groups, and so it is very important that teachers put as much information in the ‘teacher suggestions’ box. If parents should happen to give you a request for their child to be placed with another student, please just thank them for letting you know, but that there are no guarantees. Please reassure them that you, as class teachers, will certainly take into considerations friendship groups when placing students in classes.


Finally, just for your information, the following letter will be sent to parents on Monday. It will be translated prior to being sent.

Class Placements – parent letter 2016-17


Kind Regards,






ECE Daily News- Monday 14 September

Hi Everyone,
Zoe is away and Jen Cai is covering K4A

Green Air

Staff Lunch- The ECE Basement staffroom is out of use between 11-1pm, please have your lunch in the RP cafeteria

Photos- This Wednesday (Staff single ones also) Primary/ECE All staff one is Friday at 4pm.
ECE Photos

Fire Drill Information
The H & S committee has planned for some emergency drills to take place leading up to the Accreditation team visiting.
The first of these will be a fire drill. (Monday 21st Sept, about 9am)
A list of procedures can be found in every classroom near the front door, or on the Blog under the Handbook tab. Please ensure the correct items are in the emergency bags behind your doors, including up to date class lists.
Can teachers talk with students about the procedures and what is expected from them. Particularly with regard to moving quietly in the stairwells, walking with their teacher/s to their class spot, and using the nearest available doors. Maybe practice with your class during a circle time.
V & L

Staff List 2015-16 and Packing Up Information

Dear All,

Please see below the staff list and room allocation for ECE and Primary for 2015-16.

RP CP – ECE PRI Staff List[2]

As there will be major renovations over the summer in all classrooms (AC / Air Purification), it will be necessary to pack up every room in the school. As explained below, boxes can be collected from June 15 – see letter from Supporting Division.

The classrooms will not be painted inside unless a teacher requests it, and on inspection it is felt to be necessary. If you would like your classroom painted this summer, please inform Anson (RP) or Wang Yi (CP) by Friday of this week. If they don’t hear from you, it will be assumed the walls in your classroom are fine and you don’t need painting in your room.

Please use this label for your boxes and all pieces of furniture (everything must be labeled). Everything will be moved outside of the classroom during the renovation so if it is not clearly labeled it may end up in the wrong place.


See below the letter from Supporting Division about end of year arrangements.  Please go through Team Leaders or your relevant Curriculum Coordinators if you need help of have questions. Any other end of year tasks will be passed on to you by Rob / Veronica.

Warm Regards,

Damien and Mary


Dear Colleagues,

Summer Refurbishment is coming soon. There are lots of the projects in the summer vacation, and also we need waxing the floor before the New School Year. The refurbishment work is scheduled start from 27th June, please kindly help to inform all the staff, it’s time to start to do the preparation work from now to 26th June.

  1. Pack up teaching resources into unmovable cabinets, lock it and put the seal on it. Don’t use the double-side tape to seal it, otherwise it is quite difficult to removal and may damage the surface of the furniture. DO NOT leave the resources into the movable cabinets, it’s hard for our cleaner to move and may damage the furniture as well.
  2. We will prepare the boxes for packing, please go to our ERC to get the boxes at each campus from 15th June.                          RP:       EB16 (basement)        CP:       ERC center (basement)
  3. For the purpose of saving resources and protecting the environment, from 24th to 25thJune, Supporting Division will put several boxes in the corridor to collect the recyclable resources from all classrooms. The exercise books, any used and left over stationery etc., would be useful for us.
  4. Take paper, decorations etc. off the walls, windows, and display boards.
  5. We will move all the furniture for floor waxing. Please do not put the books in the bookshelf without door; otherwise books may damage during the moving.
  6. Please attach a proper label with your name & room number on the furniture and boxes tightly.
  7. We strongly recommend our colleagues NOT to leave any personal valuables or large amounts of money on campus during the summer vacation. School cannot be responsible for any personal loss.
  8. For cleaning purpose, bicycles/motor-bicycles etc. needed to be removed off campus. Any damaged or loss of bicycles/motor-bicycles left on campus during the summer vacation will be individual responsibility.
  9. For Non-Teaching Staff, Supporting Division will send the renovation progress schedule for your reference later.

Many thanks for your attention and cooperation.

Supporting Division

Class Placement Procedures

Dear all,

It’s that time of year again where we need to start to think about class placements for the next academic year. For those of you who were here last year, the procedures are quite similar. We will run through all the procedures at Wednesday’s campus-based meeting, although please carefully read the following guidance before the meeting.

Class Placement Procedures 2014-15 updated

We will be using the same info cards for the students as last year, with the exception that we will be asking that a photograph be placed on it. This will certainly make it easier when placing students. You will be passed the photographs (same as the year book photos) either before or at the meeting tomorrow. Please can the info card be filled out on digital copies and then printed, rather than the information being written on.

class placement – boys template.pages

class placement – girls template.pages

A letter will also be sent to all parents tomorrow (see below), asking them to request three friends that they would like their child to be placed with next year. Please ensure that you keep all parent request slips. Please note that should a parent ask for a certain teacher, then please let them know that it is not possible to accept teacher requests.

Placement of Students Parent Note 2015-16

And finally, due to the large number of teachers that have children in the school, we will also not be able to accept requests from staff for certain teachers. It is simply impossible to accommodate everyone’s requests without making the classes imbalanced.

Please let me  know if you have any questions.




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