Dear all,

It’s that time of year again where we need to start to think about class placements for the next academic year. For those of you who were here last year, the procedures are quite similar, with a few minor changes. Please click the link below to view the procedures for class placements. Please read these carefully as it outlines a lot of important information. Please take particular note of the the last 3 bullet points at the end of the document. Your team leader will be discussing this with you in more detail at your next team planning meeting, however, if you still have questions related to this, then please let me know, or one of the coordinators.


An important step in ensuring that the classes are balanced, is the completion of  a summary chart for each year level (see example in link below).


The student card templates are attached as follows. It is best if these are filled in electronically rather than hand written. Please ensure the names of the students are filled in using the correct format (LAST, first). The Office will print the individual year book photos this week, which need to be stuck onto the student card.

class placement girls template

class placement boys template

As mentioned in the placement procedure document, the parents will not be able to choose friendship groups, and so it is very important that teachers put as much information in the ‘teacher suggestions’ box. If parents should happen to give you a request for their child to be placed with another student, please just thank them for letting you know and that you will keep this in mind, but that there are no guarantees. Please reassure them that you, as class teachers, will certainly take into considerations friendship groups when placing students in classes.

Finally, just for your information, the following blog post will be added to the parent blog this week. It will be translated prior to being sent.


Kind Regards,
