Hi Everyone,
Zoe is away and Jen Cai is covering K4A

Green Air

Staff Lunch- The ECE Basement staffroom is out of use between 11-1pm, please have your lunch in the RP cafeteria

Photos- This Wednesday (Staff single ones also) Primary/ECE All staff one is Friday at 4pm.
ECE Photos

Fire Drill Information
The H & S committee has planned for some emergency drills to take place leading up to the Accreditation team visiting.
The first of these will be a fire drill. (Monday 21st Sept, about 9am)
A list of procedures can be found in every classroom near the front door, or on the Blog under the Handbook tab. Please ensure the correct items are in the emergency bags behind your doors, including up to date class lists.
Can teachers talk with students about the procedures and what is expected from them. Particularly with regard to moving quietly in the stairwells, walking with their teacher/s to their class spot, and using the nearest available doors. Maybe practice with your class during a circle time.
V & L