Dear all,

As you know, over these next week and a half, our main task is packing up the classrooms. Please see the End of Year Packing/Task Checklist, Room Number & Use documents and Staff List to find out where your classroom will be next year.





Please take note of the following important points:

  • It is extremely important that everything is labelled for both Primary RP & CP…desks, chairs, furniture etc.
  • Personal resources must be labelled clearly as we don’t want boxes and materials lost.
  • Place any shared resources carefully in the ERC. Please do not leave them on the floor and place them on the correct shelf.
  • Items that are stored in fixed shelves can remain.


Reminder -Summer Renovations

  • Each year we also ensure that repairs are undertaken before the start of the academic year. Please can we ask that Year Level Leaders work with your teams to check all classrooms/learning areas and make note of any repairs needed. Please complete the survey below and submit these repairs.


Please feel free to speak with Year Level Leaders or Co-Heads if you have any questions.



Melissa & Jon