Good Morning!


ECE Staff Meeting

8.30pm via Zoom:

Meeting ID: 354 433 998
Password: 089361


Primary Staff Meetings this week

We wish to hold Primary staff meetings via Zoom on Friday this week:

Please note that you only need to attend one of them, as they will be repeated to allow for the different time zones. Please let me know if you are unable to attend either one of these. The main agenda items will be related to Zoom, and how we plan to develop these as we move forward in our e-learning platform. We will also discuss PT Interviews, and how these will be organized.


Recording Zoom

For those of you who managed to record your zoom sessions via the Zoom cloud, please can you check the link that you have received, to make sure it works. If it does, then please feel free to include the link in the daily email to parents.

If you have yet to do so, please can all teachers record their zoom session via the cloud today. See yesterday’s Daily News for details.


Database login information – Message from Tania

Hi everyone! Wanted to share these subscription site details again.

Some may require a VPN, so while links to the databases and login information should not be sent out to families, they could be used for personal usage, using Quicktime, screenshots/PPTs for Zoom sessions etc.

You can also go ahead and sign-up for a free educator subscription to ‘Epic!’

I had to contact their Support to help me when signing up. I would recommend going to and sending an email to their admin to ask for help setting up a free educator account. They were helpful and did it for me and there are lots of fiction and non-fiction books and videos suitable for Primary and some ECE suitable ones too.

Get in touch if you have any issues or questions.



Primary Student Support Reviews

Please add in your comments to the student support reviews if not already done so. Thanks.



  • PT Interviews – We will be using the Zoom platform to conduct ‘face-to-face’ video conferences with the parents. More information on how this will be done will be sent later this week.


Have a good day,

