Good morning Everyone 

Its Orange Air

Staff Appreciation Day

Enjoy staff Appreciation Day…Hollywood style! The parents have spend a great deal of time and energy in not only preparing the food but also the decorations, displays etc…if you do see parents today coming in to deliver  food in the staffroom and parent room, please ensure to thank them…they really a supportive group.


CCL– Because we have had a number of students ill, we will stop this until after the holidays.


ECE & Primary Staff meeting Today

Rob would like to call a brief staff meeting tonight at 3.30pm in the Auditorium. It will only take approximately 10 mins at most, but I would like everyone to be present. After the briefing, please continue with your Team meetings.



Free Dress Day– This Friday the student council has arranged a free dress day. It is to support Global Goals, if you look at Primary Blog you will see the link to them.