Good morning,

Staff Absent

Anna Gavine (sick leave)-Sue K will cover 3C

Anne Peters (sick leave)-Anne’s pull out and push in sessions will be cancelled today.

Y6 Camp Staff-See note below. Rob is absent, for international sick leave please call me (John)-18600274592, up to and including Friday. Likewise, I will be doing the Daily News.


Reports: Final report changes on PTP by the end of the day please.


Violin Lessons: Will not happen today, tomorrow or Thursday.  Chinese Co-Teachers will cover the Violin Practice times (if they are not teaching Chinese language during these times).


POP Picnic & Bazaar – Message from Nadine & POP

The POP Picnic & Bazaar is fast approaching on OCTOBER 29, from 1-5pm. Like in the past we would be very grateful for your support – by giving us an hour of your time and help out in one of available stations (ticket selling, overseeing games, managing the dunk tank…). Please click on the attached link to sign up for a time slot – and if you want to go all out and go into the Dunk Tank, please email Nadine at

Thanks in advance for your ongoing support !!!

Y6 Camp Arrangements

Please note that the Y6 co-teachers, Elynnor Trail, Dave Watson and Rob Watson will be attending the Y6 Camp from Today to Fri this week. Please note:

  • Lennart will cover Dave’s Primary PE lessons during this time (assuming he doesn’t get a call to go to the hospital!). If Lennart is away, then plans will be sent to class teachers to cover the PE lessons.
  • John McEnhill will write the daily news. Please send any messages directly to him to include in daily news
  • As Rob will not be regularly checking emails, please do not send him emails regarding any matters that need addressing before next week. Please contact the relevant curriculum coordinator, or Co-Principals in his absence.
  • When Y6 Chinese teachers are away for camp, Ms. Heather He will cover their secondary Chinese classes from Tuesday to Friday.
  • Janie Dong is away for Y6 Camp on Thursday and Friday. Her Chinese classes, duties and ASA will be covered internally.


  • School Photos – Please ensure you have read the post for you informationSchool Photo InformationWe will send class schedules for the photos this week.
  • YCIS Staff Christmas Dinner – Please remember to get back to Tracy Zhao if you would like to take up the challenge of doing a performance at the Christmas Dinner
  • POP Picnic and Bazaar – Just a reminder that this takes place on Saturday 29th October 1-5pm. Please note that this is a whole school event that staff are expected to attend, so please remember to keep this date free.

Upcoming Dates

  • Wed 19 Oct – Office to print final Progress Reports
  • Wed 19 Oct – Y4-5 Character Assembly (5B), 2.30pm, Auditorium – remember to bring awards and to inform the parents of the children receiving awards.
  • Thurs 20 Oct – Student Progress reports sent home
  • Thurs 20 Oct – Y2-3 Character Assembly (2A), 2.30pm, Auditorium – remember to bring awards, and to inform the parents of the children receiving awards.
  • Fri 21 Oct – Y1 Character Assembly (Gratefulness), 8.00am, Auditorium (Leo)