We have some great news to share with you. All staff will be getting subscription to lynda.com.
This website is hands-down one of the best sources for online learning. For years, lynda.com has put informative and clear video-based training in front of people who need it. The videos let you work at your own pace, and the website is designed extremely well to help you keep track of what you want to learn and what you have already learnt. The site’s software tutorials are particularly useful when trying to brush up on a program you haven’t used in a while or learn the particulars of a newly released version of an old favorite. It is also a wonderful place to learn about popular and essential computer programs like Photoshop, Microsoft Excel and iMovie in addition to picking up business principles, money-management advice, and much more. They also have a handy app for your mobile devices.
You will receive an email before the holidays to sign up for this website. Please remember to do so as the link expires within 7 days.