Rock and Water

We live in a society that thrives on images. Images that promote trends and fashions, deliver information and reveal uncertainties of the world. Change is the characteristic of our modern society. All parents are challenged with decisions whether to embrace changes or to oppose them. What are some of the fundamental values and skills that children need to possess in order to maintain and develop in the fast changing society?The Rock and Water program was developed with the intention of enhancing social safety and the wellbeing of children to prevent and/or reduce social problems such as bullying, conflict, exclusion, physical violence, sexual misconduct and violence. The program has a focus to develop a sense of meaningfulness and mutual solidarity, in a society where speed and haste threaten the quality of life. Themes are introduced through physical exercises and consequently related to the development of communication skills, building awareness and insight of personal qualities and responsibilities. Few lessons on basic ideas of Rock and Water principles, grounding and centering, body awareness, communication and self-realization will be introduced to upper secondary starting in late December and to the lower secondary in semester two during wellness classes.

Carolyn Lee
Puxi Secondary Learning Resources Coordinator