ACAMIS TOUCH RUGBY 2018 – Hong Kong – YCIS took 3rd place


This is my second year being a part of the school Touch Rugby team, starting from zero understanding to a well-rounded player.

A year ago, there were only a few players that joined because touch rugby wasn’t a popular sport but moreover, it was because previous players were mostly graduates. However,  as the season started, more and more young athletes joined under the influence of our coaches and demonstrated supreme tenacity to the sport. Whether there was a heavy downpour, or in extreme heat when sweat saturates our clothes, team members have shown their dedication and commitment in every training session after school and Saturday mornings.

Our recent ACAMIS tournament was in Hong Kong hosted by Discovery College.

Throughout the ACAMIS tournament, I am truthfully convinced on how this experience can benefit you for a lifetime. One of the most essential focus points where coaches mentioned over and over is sportsmanship. Showing respect to players from other teams and the referees has genuinely enhanced our character subconsciously.  During times when a player got injured, everyone showed concern as if they were injured themselves. Developing flexibility and patience amongst every mistake we make along the remarkable journey. I will always remember how we high five energetically, cheering for each try, last but not least, giving our very best to all our games.

Without doubt, the opportunity of contributing to a sports team at YCIS has impacted everyone in our team. This is because students come from multifarious countries, and countless friendships are built. This creates a global connection of friendships, and this complexity of nationality among friendships leads to a much stronger relationship: family. Despite the fact that touch rugby is the only sport that consists of both male and female players, we support and take care of each other showing generosity as we get more attached to one and another.

I am sincerely thankful to our coaches, Mr Slade and Mr Hotham, for inspiring and challenging each and every one of us to become better touch players. Without the encouragement from our coaches, we wouldn’t have been able to come this far.

LEE Ho Yiu Anson – Y11A