Senior Cross Country Team- Our First Meet in Binjiang Forest Park


We have had a good season running Cross Country these past three months, meeting every Monday and Wednesday afterschool in New Hongqiao Green Park. Our runs and stretches help us stay fit, socialise and enjoy nature.

The Senior Cross Country Team had their first meet in Binjiang Forest Park this past week. They had wonderful spirit and supported one another whole-heartedly. We had cool autumn weather and the atmosphere was enthusiastic, convivial and supportive from all participating schools and attending parents. Our top three runners in the boys’ race for YCIS were Tetta, Anthony and Niall. In the girls’ race, Nali, Jessica and Yulia placed first, second and third for our school. Jessica said, “After I finished the race I was exhausted, but felt good because I had accomplished something.” We look forward to our upcoming practices and our next meet at SSIS.


Senior Cross Country Team Coach – Waheeda Khan