Secondary Library Information for Parents

You may have questions about Secondary Library hours, services, textbooks, or what books are recommended reading. You can find the answers to these questions on our Parents Page –

The home page has basic information about our services, textbooks, timings, and contact information. Click on the Library Spaces tab for more information about the library itself. Click on the English Fiction tab for lists of new books and age level recommendations. Place your cursor over a title to see more detailed information about that particular book. The fourth tab is Books for Parents where you will find titles of interest to parents which are available in our Parent Collection in the library or through the Learning Support Office.

Recommendations for student reading can be found at:

Parents can borrow books from both the Primary and Secondary Libraries. Parents can borrow 5 books at a time for 2 weeks.

Please feel free to come by the libraries and take advantage of our services. We look forward to helping you.

Puxi Secondary Head Librarian – Karla Castle