Staff Professional Development

Our Primary teachers spent Tuesday 2 January engaged in a range of Professional Development sessions aimed at improving student learning and safety at school.

While some teachers studied First Aid and CPR, others were ensuring they are familiar with how to operate a Fire Extinguisher in case of Emergency and putting out real fires.

We were also privileged to hear from Occupational Therapist, Eva Ma. Eva has more than 20 years of experience in pediatric occupational therapy and was referred to us from LIH Olivia’s Place. Eva shared, among other things, about the importance of supporting students in developing their core and upper body strength in order to facilitate their fine motor skill development and handwriting. This affirms the importance of what teachers are doing in class during Class Teacher PE sessions and brain breaks and our campus wide focus this year on developing children’s Minds, Bodies and Hearts.

Primary Vice Principal – Sherrilie BURTON