An Approach to Loyalty and Courage

Loyalty and Courage are two virtues appreciated in Chinese traditional culture for thousands of years. Loyalty is the selflessness and consistency of human beings to the universe, truth, belief, duty, country and other people by trying the best to fulfill their obligations. Courage is boldness and fearlessness, self-sacrifice for righteousness, and unyielding spirit. It is the inexhaustible motivation for the Chinese nation to overcome obstacles and become stronger.

In Chinese Studies classes during these two weeks, Year 5 students took their initiative to learn the two topics of Loyalty and Courage under their teachers’ instruction.

In class, students watched the historical story of LIN Xiangru Returning the Jade to the State of Zhao, in which Xiangru demonstrated loyalty by sacrificing his own life to protect the country’s interest. He also showed courage by encountering the powerful state of Qin by fearlessness. Besides, Xiangru displayed his wisdom as he managed to return the jade to the state of Zhao in spite of Qin Emperor’s conspiracy. After watching the film, students gained an in-depth understanding of the meaning of intelligence and courage. In addition, they created comics of the story based on their own understanding.

The story of Yueh Fei’s Tattoo by His Mother enabled us to know Yueh Fei and his mother. Students were deeply touched by the righteous mother and Yueh Fei’s loyalty to serve the country. Heroes have significant emotional appeal to children. When hearing of Yueh Fei’s death caused by the traitor minister QIN Hui, children were filled with astonishment, anger and pity on their faces. Some of them even clenched their fists and tapped on the desks…When the class was over, quite a few students, with indignation, were still asking the teacher for more historical details.

Y5D Co-teacher – Olivia ZHANG