Transition Time in the Early Childhood

Written by Veronica Martin (ECE Coordinator)

We are coming to the end of another school year and our minds begin to shift towards the coming year level. We often ask questions such as:  Will my child be OK? Will they be with friends?

The answer to both of these questions is YES! Your child will be ready to move on and the teachers will support them along the way.

  • K2s and K3s – The teachers have arranged visits to the next year level.  In the coming weeks on the class blogs you will see the children visiting either a K3 class or a K4 class.

The children will begin to have morning snack and lunch like the following school year does. Most routines are very similar to what is occurring this school year for K2 and K3s, they will still have the same PE Teacher, the same Music Teachers and the same ECE Librarian. The class teachers also make sure that they spend time with the children in different settings, if they are outside they will go and play with the lower year group. This helps all children to get to know all ECE Teachers and begin making relationships with others.

  • Our K4 children have began the transitioning process for Year 1 by joining in Primary activities such as Sports Day, Violin Lessons, attending assemblies and other class activities.

Every year level is now participating in the Class Community Learning (CCL) sessions. These classes are designed so that all the year level children spend time with each other and get to make friends from other classes in their year level. When teachers group children together they will also take into account the friendships within the CCL groups.

Our aim for all transitions is to make the process smooth for families and the children. All the children are ready to move on and they are proud of what they have achieved so far. The children are confident in their abilities and we know they will do well wherever they are in their academic journey. For more information, keep updated on the ECE Class Blogs!