Good Morning!



Orange level 


Staff Absent

  • Jamie Hoel is away


End of Year Tasks and Moving Plan

Please check these carefully and ensure that the moving procedures are followed – Link to blogpost: click here

There have been a few questions regarding teacher desks, computer desks, the teacher’s cabinets (one’s that fit under the teacher desks), and the filing cabinets. Please label these with the same room number as to where the student desks and chairs are moving.  For Y5B, C and D, they will need to ensure that their teacher desks move to A301 at CP, in the collaboration room. Please however remove all items from the teacher and filing cabinets, and place in a box with your room number – this will avoid the possibility of personal/confidential files and documents going missing. Please also ensure you remember to place the keys inside the cabinets as well.

Finally, please ensure children take home all their items, books etc. They should also ensure their lockers are clear, both inside and on top of lockers.


Bulletin Boards

Please can teachers  remove all items and staples from their hall bulletin boards so that we can see how much fabric needs replacing and ordering. If it just needs tightening and re-stapling, then it can stay. Part of this initiative for using the fabric  was to re-use from year to year as much as possible.


CP Assembly (Y6)

10.15, followed by yearbook signing



Please clear out any food items from the staffroom fridges. On Thursday afternoon they will be cleared and items thrown out.



Please  distribute these to children today. Feel free to give time to your students to look through it today.


Password Change –Important

Please follow the instructions sent from IT Division (sent last Wednesday) regarding changing your passwords prior to the summer break. Most of the current passwords will expire in July, and you not be able to access your account after this time if the password hasn’t changed. Please see attached list of staff who still need to change their passwords.

List of Staff needing to change passwords


Leave application forms

Please remember to submit them to HR if not already done so – has to be done before the end of tomorrow, otherwise it will be considered unpaid leave.


Lost and Found  clear-up – Message from Roseline

Please help remind your students and parents to check the Lost and Found corner. Everything will be cleared out after the last day of school. Thank you for your support!


New Teachers Welcome Team

Please email Roseline if you will be back at the beginning of August AND you are interested to be part of our welcome team for new teachers.

Helper’s role will consist in welcoming new teachers in their apartment and giving basic indications of their surroundings. People can also join for the get-together on Monday evening at the Kerry and Tuesday evening at Thumb Plaza. (Exact Location TBC).


In-Service Schedule tomorrow

Please see schedule for tomorrow


Upcoming Dates

  • Monday, August 12 –  Start of Orientation Week for returning teachers!


Have a wonderful last day with your students.
