Dear all,

Congratulations on the success of Student Led Conferences. We did it! We have had lots of wonderful comments from parents! This really all comes down to the fantastic work done by all our teachers in preparing our students to present confidently and talk about their learning and lead their parents through each of the stations. The support from our supervising teachers, specialists and office staff allowed the afternoon to run as smoothly as possible. Thank you to everyone!

As with all events, reflection and feedback is very important. Can I please ask that leaders collate the parent feedback from each of their classes and pass this to me when we return. It is also important that I receive feedback from each team so that we can work towards making any adjustments and changes for next year. As it is the last day, I would encourage everyone to jot some notes down for themselves and ask year leaders to  add this as an agenda item for Week 29.


Congratulations again! The week off is well-deserved:)