The ISA tests will take place on Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th September. The following information will be sent home to the Y4-6 parents on Tuesday 18th via the Parent Blog. Please ensure that you read the first letter, as this explains the reasons why the students will be taking these tests.

Please click the links below regarding the ISA arrangements for Y4-5 and Y6. Please read these carefully as there is a lot of important information which you will need to know prior to the tests.

Please see below for students who will not take the tests

On the morning of the tests, you will be given a hard copy of the administrators handbook, which will give precise instructions on the administration of the tests. Please click link below for the soft copy. Please can you take your time to read through this before next week. It contains important information, such as:

  • The test schedule for both mornings
  • Preparation materials needed
  • What accommodations are permissible (non-standard test conditions)
  • Scripts for the test administration

2018-19 ISA Paper Administration Handbook

For sample questions, see below. Please feel free to check these out (the first 2 pages of each sample booklet gives some useful information). Please note that these questions are for a range of year levels. You may choose to give some of these questions to your students as practice (this is not to serve as revision purposes, but just so they are aware of the types of questions likely to receive), but ensure that you only select questions relevant to your students’ age.

Finally, after the tests have been administered, please fill in the Teacher Feedback Survey.

You will be presented with a hard copy on the day of your tests, although the electronic version may be more convenient for you: click link below:

