Dear all,

Everyone is here!

Air Quality

Green Level


Settle In Time for today

K2 — Half day until 11:15am

K3 —  Half group full day, both K3 teachers stay with your children during lunch time, supply teacher will come in to cover you @ 12pm.

Please arrange with your co-teacher who will stay with the class upon dismissal and who will take the bus students to the cafeteria.


Outdoor Play

Please be aware for the ‘No hat today, Shade at Play policy’. Please ensure children have hats on when they play outside, Children without hats can only play under the shaded area.



Please work with co-teacher to write down observation for each child in terms of how they have settled and his/her development level.



You can start to upload photo now, but only one GROUP picture post at this point.


Class Timetable

Thank you for adding your class’ timetable on the server punctually. I am looking at it now, and will come around to meet you if there are any changes that need to be made.


Librarian away

Irene is away

If you need to borrow a book, please register the information on the list, the list is placed on Irene’s desk.


Upcoming Dates

  • Monday 27th August — Bootcamp for new teachers (SeeSaw)
  • Tuesday 28th August — Parent Information Evening, Y1-5
  • Thursday 30th August — Parent Information Evening CP




Michelle WANG