Hello Everyone,

Hopefully you all had a restful week off.

It is Orange Air,

Anna is away sick, and Zoe is covering K2A class

Apple is away sick, and Ms Lan is covering K2B class

Mr Dave is away on leave this week, all PE lessons will need to be taken by the class teacher teachers. The Gym is available for your sessions.

H2H – YCIS’s sponsored child Xu Yiming

YCIS, via parent charity contributions, has sponsored a young child from a disadvantaged background to have heart surgery in Shanghai through H2H this year. They would love for him to have visitors. See attached for details and email John if you would like to visit him.

H2H -Information on Xu Yiming


The Boy Friend – Opening Tuesday, April 17th!

This year’s Secondary Musical, The Boy Friend, will be opening for it’s first evening performance next Tuesday evening at 6pm.  The Boy Friend features a fabulous cast of talented students from Years 7-12, who take us through the plight of several young adults who are helplessly institutionalised within the aristocracy of Nice in the 1920s.  Don’t miss the delightful, witty and funny adventure through their world in this year’s production of The Boy Friend.  Tickets are available Monday, April 9th from the CP office and upon request from the RP office.


Veronica and Michelle