Dear all,

This is the update version-

It’s that time of year again where we need to start to think about class placements for the next academic year. For those of you who were here last year, the procedures are quite similar, with a few minor changes. Please click the link below to view the procedures for class placements. Please read these carefully as it outlines a lot of important information.

This year, we have added in the extra step of completing a summary chart for each year level (see example in link below), once the placements have been completed. This will help ensure that the classes remain balanced. Please make sure this list is included when you pass the final class list to the coordinators.


Class Placement Summary Form

The student card templates are attached as follows. Please use the individual Year Book Photos and type all names and information into box on cards

class placement – boys template

class placement – girls template

Parents are not able to choose friendship groups, and so it is very important that teachers put as much information in the ‘teacher suggestions’ box. If parents should happen to give you a request for their child to be placed with another student, please just thank them for letting you know, but that there are no guarantees. Also let the coordinators know if any parent have asked for their child to not be placed with another child. Please reassure them that you, as class teachers, will certainly take into considerations friendship groups  etc. when placing students in classes.

The office will also send you a list of students withdrawing from the ECE, these are the only students not to include on the class list. Even if you have been told a student is leaving unless it is official they must be placed into a class.

Timeline of Placement Dates

25 May 2016-Wednesday Staff meeting- introduce all ideas and talk about procedures

1 June 2016-Wednesday meet in Year levels to put list/classes together

3 June 2016- Friday all list/class need to be given to coordinators by the year Level leaders


If you have questions please talk with the coordinators. We will talk about this information in todays staff meeting.

V &L