From the Co-Principals

It has been Well-being Week across the YCIS Puxi campuses. Loads of activities have occurred throughout the week that focus on mindfulness, well-being and self care. Many thanks to the Student Success Team and the Counselling Team for their hard work in creating such a positive and vibrant week of learning. As part of this week of well-being, the Parent Workshop held at Puxi Secondary on the topic of Raising A Teenager proved to be a very popular offering with over 50 parents coming to hear the sage advice of Psychologist Dr Sita Chen from Olivia’s Place. Clear advice was offered on how to set and maintain boundaries, how to continue to connect with the adolescent living under the same roof and how to keep the lines of communication open. Parent queued to ask for further advice from Dr Sita after the 90 minutes session.

At PXP, the week before was filled with a build up in expectation of the “Pie on the Face Assembly” A fundraiser for the Seeds of Hope Charity, students and families donated over 5500RMB as teachers were nominated through a donation system. The teachers (and one Co-Principal) who “won” due to the large amounts of RMB donated and allocated to them were: Ms Laurie Joynt, Mr Leon Weeks, Mr Jeffrey Torrance and Mr Don Collins all copped a “Pie in the Face”.

The Father-Daughter Dance was another major event last Friday. Almost a 100 families joined in the fun of the dance dressed in sympathy to the theme of golden glamour. Thanks to the Team PoP for hours of preparation to make such an event so special for all those who attended.

Sat April 13 YCIS Puxi will host the inaugural TEDx event at the YCIS Puxi Secondary campus. Speakers who are world experts in the field of technological innovation will be speaking alongside with YCIS students who will share their work and learning at the event… like creating an autonomous vehicle as a Year 10 project. You can check out Dr Clarence Tan at his website: Here is his bio from his website:
Futurist, technologist, academician, entrepreneur, innovator, inventor, investor, researcher, financial trader, knowledge seeker, writer but would really like to be a Chinese comedian!.

Best regards,
Mr. Don Collins and Ms. Isabel Xu
Puxi Co-Principals