Year 12-13 IB Learner Profile Awards

At the end of every semester, teachers and students nominate Year 12-13 students who have demonstrated the IB Learner Profile attributes.  From each year level, one student is then selected to receive an award for each attribute.  This year, we had a record of 70 nominations, making it exceptionally difficult for the committee to select the winners.  If students didn’t receive an award this semester, they will have another chance in the spring!  Congratulations to this semester’s award winners!

Year 12 Year 13
Inquirers Sean Xi XU Uharn TAN
Knowledgeable Danan LEE Randy R ZHANG
Thinker Cheng-En TSAI (Marcus) Yen-Wen LIAO (Ivy)
Communicator Matthew Yicheng GUO Amber Yi Xuan TAY
Principled Wei-Yan CHIANG (Jocelyn) Ga Rim BACK
Open-Minded Seo-Hyun KIM (Sally) Jonathan JONES
Caring Miguel TSAI Tetta TAKIKAWA
Risk-Takers Jia Hao ZHAO Lin QI (Lynn)
Balanced Yi Jing TAI Hyun Hu PARK (Tom)
Reflective Wing Yuk Yuki FUNG Ju Ho WOEN (Alex)

Maria Sieve
Puxi Secondary IBDP Coordinator