Special Presentations at Primary Hongqiao Campus

In the past two weeks, Puxi Primary hosted two very special guests to present to the Years 3 to 6 students and teachers.

On Friday, September 14, Mr. Rob Lilwall visited to talk about being adventurous and challenging ourselves. Rob is a British adventurer, writer and speaker based in Hong Kong. Rob has travelled the world – over 80,000 kilometers by foot and bicycle. As one can imagine, in the course of these travels he has met and overcome many challenges and obstacles.  Rob had been presenting to Yew Chung and Yew Wah leaders and teachers at a conference we held the previous days at the Yew Wah school in Tong Xiang. Rob very graciously was able to fit in time after that to come speak with our children. He described and showed us his 50,000km, three-year bicycle trip from Siberia to England, from the bitter cold of Northern Russia, through the heat and mud of the Borneo jungle. As he said, he is just an ordinary person who manages to do extraordinary things, and encouraged all of us to live our lives to the fullest by challenging ourselves.

Following this, former NASA astronaut Ms. Barbara Morgan came to Puxi Primary to talk of her experiences with the NASA Space Programme, which included a space shuttle trip to the International Space Station. Barbara described the journey into space and students were able to ask questions about what she learnt and her experiences. She told students about how important Mathematics and physics are to calculating a safe landing. Students were able to see one of Barbara’s favourite tasks on the space station where she worked with a robotic arm! She talked of the immense privilege of being able to view our planet Earth from space and consider from that perspective, the enormous human potential and responsibility we share.

Our students have certainly been inspired to challenge themselves to go on adventures on land or in space!

For more information on our special speakers, visit:




Puxi Primary Vice Principal – Jim Wilcox