Peer Tutoring Programme

Learning from peers or peer collaboration is a common practice in education. It promotes discovery learning and critical thinking skills when students are investigating and problem-solving together. It is a skill that can be learned in school and is a necessity for meeting our future workforce needs.  (Damon & Phelps) Based on the research by Professor John Hattie and theVisible Learning Team, co-operative learning is one of the top 7 effects on student achievement because students learn better co-operatively than alone or competitively. Peer tutoring increases interest and the ability to problem solve through interactive learning. In peer tutoring, students improve self-regulation and increase motivation by taking over responsibility from the teacher and become self-managers of their learning or learning of others. (Hattie 2009)

At YCIS, we celebrate the 8th year of implementation of the peer tutoring programme as an option for after school activity and CAS activity. The peer tutoring programme can offer the opportunity for participating students to apply their learned knowledge through the channel of helping other students. Studies have found both positive academic and social development gains in both tutors and tutees.

Don’t miss such a great opportunity to build experiences in co-operative learning! Sign up forms are available for becoming a peer tutor outside of B311. Homework help is available for all students from Monday to Friday after school in the library. Just come to the library and look for one of the supervising teachers to arrange a peer tutoring session for you.

Learning Resource Coordinator – Carolyn Lee

Supervising teachers: Carolyn Lee, Karla Castle, Karin Zijlmans & Griffith Harty.