Mathematics Pi(e) Day

3.14 is of course PI, an important mathematical constant, the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. And it is also March 14, so around the world on this day, mathematicians celebrate Pi Day, and we also did at Hongqiao Campus.  Our Maths/Pi(e) Day featured a variety of fun Maths activities. Year 3 played with die games, multiplication bingo and tessellations. Year 4 children had fun searching for a range of questions spread across their area, from calculations to brain teasers and word problems. Year 5 students puzzled their way through a Maths treasure hunt outdoors and deduced a mystery shape in the end, based on the coordinates they followed. Year 6 rotated between their 4 classes, investigating trees using Maths, solving a Maths ‘whodunit’, drawing mandalas, and playing a Who Wants to be a Billionaire quiz. And, of course, in the cafeteria, we had pies!


Upper Primary Coordinator – Jim WILCOX