Chinese New Year in Year 4!


On Friday 9th February YCIS celebrated Chinese New Year in style! Beginning with a range of activities in the Year 4 classrooms, the children were given the opportunity to choose which activity they were most interested in and were then allowed to head to that classroom. With many parents also attending, the children enjoyed a wide range of interesting cultural activities, including riddle guessing, flower-making crafts, paint scratching, painting a New Year scroll and making New Year dogs out of clay.

Later on, Year 4 were invited to attend another traditional Chinese New Year event; The Lion and Dragon dance. In fine winter weather on the field, the children watched excitedly as dragons and lions marched and danced to a drummer’s beat.

Finally, we witnessed several exciting displays in the gym including the great face-changing act, the spectacular tea-pouring ceremony as well as kung-fu masters and Chinese dance performers. All-in-all it was a fascinating day from which the children learned a great deal about Chinese New Year.


Year 4 Leader & Y4C Co-teacher – Paul HYDE