We are the STEAMmakers 

Written by:Amita Patel, Technology Director

We explore Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math and Making.

We value everything that involves making, exploring, inquiring & creating.


We get amazed by simple science like the magic of a snowflake, yet also crave advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence. We craft beauty from duct tape and program robots to follow complex code. We design machines to study Physics and we make green screen videos. We make prototypes from cardboard and from 3D printers, and sometimes we make things that fail. Then we make improvements and we learn.

We are the STEAMmakers. We are the inquisitive ones. We are the future.


In an ever-changing, increasingly complex world it is more important than ever that our students are prepared with the skills & knowledge to solve problems, make sense of information, and know how to gather and evaluate evidence to make decisions. At YCIS we are committed to equiping our students to become successful innovators in a 21st century workforce. We want our students to tinker, hack, explore, create, invent, design, fail & redesign, problem-solve, code, collaborate, brainstorm & innovate. STEAM & Maker education can foster creative thinking and develop innovative practices. Our STEAM offerings over the last few years have been a diverse mix of tremendous learning activities for students, spread diffusely across both Century Park and Regency Park campuses. We have held STEMist day, Hour of code, STEAM Olympics & summer camps, Pi Day carnival activities, Engineering & Robotics clubs, Bamboo bike project, Fiber craft activities, Mathematics competitions, Green roof project and many more such activities which are embedded within our curricular areas.


We are now in the exciting phase of developing further ground-breaking learning experiences for our students through well-equipped facilities at Century Park Campus. We are looking forward to adding AR & VR suite to integrate technology with Project Based Learning in the classroom, additional opportunities for 3D Printing, Engineering, Robotics, Coding, Drone building and a variety of tools and equipment to design, build, and create all sorts of different things.