YCIS Parents Playing a Key Role at YCIS

Written by Roseline Yang, Community Relations Officer

The mission and vision of the Parent Organisation Pudong has always been to embrace the whole parent community, and the school states it “Once your child joins YCIS, you automatically become a member of POP, Parent Organisation Pudong”.

YCIS believes in the partnership between the School and parents for the benefit of the student and offers many different avenues for parents to be informed and get involved in the life of the school and also in the learning environment of the students.

As you may know, there are two main groups of parent volunteers identified as:

Class Parent Representatives who take on the role for the whole school year to act as main communicators between the class teachers and the parents of the class, as well as a channel of communication from Parent Relations staff to the parents.

POP Core Committee members who take the responsibility for the whole year to support parents’ initiatives and organize meaningful activities or events for students and parents to celebrate the school community spirit, especially making the school motto alive, ‘Aligning with Love and Charity’.

Lately, we have observed that our parents have been exploring the part of the school motto “Align with Culture and Art” and “Align with Science and Technology” through their involvement and support of our Art teachers, culminating in the Annual Art Show. Other examples are the creation of the YCIS Parent Band, or parent involvement as coaches for our Primary and Secondary sport teams. Some parents have also taken the lead in offering CCAs related to Design and Technology.

Other parents have taken the school signature line “YCIS – Committed to Global Education” to another level by partnering with our academic team and offering classes related to the world awareness and environment through gardening and recycling art activities.   Not to mention YCIS Girls Scouts Troops, which work on the UN 2030 Global Goal “Gender Equality” by offering an avenue for our female students to develop their leadership skills thanks to the endeavor commitment of our parents. “Quality Education” has also been supported through parent and student involvement in ChariTea, helping support Secondary students from Zhejiang to continue their education in rural areas.

We have also seen the development of a strong parent advocacy regarding our school during our panel discussion at the CP Open Morning last November celebrating the 10th year of  creation and successes of Secondary section at Century Park Campus. Our Secondary students also receive great support form the parent community through internship opportunities for the Job Shadow and Summer Program Activities, and the newly formed and parent run YCIS Spirit Squad further enables our community to show their support and empowers them to be #proudtobeYCIS!

As a result, our POP Core Committee together in partnership with our Parent Relations Officers and with School Leadership support have come up with a new structure aiming at encompassing all parent initiatives and needs and we would like to reiterate, that there is an open and structured space for everyone to be involved and to be heard!

Parents are also always welcome to contact our POP Core members at: poppd@sh.ycef.com or our Parent Relations Officer Nadine and Roseline at: rpcp.parentrelations@sh.ycef.com if they want to get involved in the school community.