Raising Funds in Y6–Student Blog

Written by Bryce Carey (Year 6  Student)

3-img_6487My name is Bryce and I am a Year 6 student. I am currently working on a project to get a fundraiser up and running in my year level. I would like all of the Year 6 students to learn about food, the problem of hunger and how we can help those that are in need.

What I want to do is to find out how much people are spending on their food consumption in a week and try to encourage students to donate that amount of money to the school. The money will go to supporting the charity Shanghai Baby Home. I want to raise the awareness of students so they can realize how much they actually have.

3-2Shanghai Baby Home will benefit because the students of Year 6 are going to try raise the highest amount of money they can so this charity can really help orphans have a more full life. The students will also benefit because they are gaining knowledge on how much they spend in a week for food and the struggles of other families who cannot afford to pay for important things in a human life. I chose Shanghai Baby Home because someone I know who is currently fostering a baby that used to be an orphan inspired me.