Two Students’ Stories of Generosity

Written by Andrea Griego (Student Support Coordinator)


Katelyn Kai-Ling Tseo is a Y2 student in Ms. Liau and Ms. Qian’s class. October 6th was Katelyn’s birthday and, after speaking with her parents, Katelyn also known as Katie made a conscious decision to accept donations towards the school’s charity, Seeds of Hope in lieu of birthday gifts. Her parents told Katie of the idea and she fell in love with it. Katie’s mother said, “Of course we loved the idea! Our kids (Katie and little brother Thomas), like many in YCIS, have more than enough toys. After Katie’s birthday party last year, with a pile of gifts in front of her, we talked about this idea of ‘giving instead of receiving’ and she immediately asked ‘Mommy, will YOU still give me a small birthday present?’ After hearing a reassuring yes from me, she wholeheartedly said yes to the idea for her 7th birthday party. And after this year’s success, Thomas has also agreed to ‘giving instead of receiving’ if we have a big party for him!”13 To follow through with her birthday plans, she held an animal themed party and invited the entire Year 2B class. She informed them that presents would not be accepted and instead donations for
charity would be appreciated. Her classmates had a lovely time celebrating but most importantly with their help, and other donations from friends and family, Katie was able to donate 5,000 RMB to Seeds of Hope.

Emmanuel Teh in Year 5A loves to bake, but he does it for a thoughtful and caring reason. On the weekends, Emmanuel can be found at Sacred Heart Church happily baking and selling cookies to support the Walk Into Life and Learn (WILL) Foundation’s project to build an Eco home for children. 14Recently, these chidren have been displaced from their current home in Chong Ming Island. The WILL Foundation wants to give children who are left behind in life a chance to flourish. Their goal at “Walk Into Life and Learn”  emphasizes character and skills building according to each child’s potential. Anne, Emmanuel’s mother is proud of her son’s choice and says, “It is a proud moment for the YCIS family, I hope Emmanuel will inspire his schoolmates to make a difference for a better world.” Each package of cookies cost 10 RMB and all proceeds go straight to the project. Emmanuel says, “I just want to help them get back on their feet. I feel happy when I help others and I want them to feel happy too.” He will continue to bake and sell cookies for the WILL Foundation’s project until the new house is fully funded.

Because of Katie’s generosity and Emmanuel’s thoughtfulness and caring, they have received the school’s Global Child Award. When Katie was asked why she decided to be so generous, she said, “It made me feel happy to give to others.” Both Katie and Emmanuel are showing others that they have internalized the values and Philosophy and Objectives of YCIS. They are making a difference in the lives of others in the best and most creative ways that they can. Congratulations to Katie and Emmaunuel for being Global Citizens and caring kids.