Category: Charity Week

Kids’ Night In-Friday 13th April-Logistics

Hello all,

As you will be aware, Kids Night In takes place on the Friday 13th April.Students get to stay in school after school on the Friday and eat pizza, do crafts, play some games and have a disco.

For this event, we need all staff to stay at school until 6.30 (RP)/6.50(CP) to support the running of games and activities. Children pay 100rmb for this event which goes to our nominated charities.

  • The role for Y1-4 co-teachers is simple: to escort their class between the different activities.
  • For Y5-6 it is slightly more complicated, and I have emailed Y5-6 teachers separately.
  • EAL/LS teachers have been asked to lead craft groups and have been emailed separately.
  • Specialists have been asked to do various other roles and again should have received separate emails. If you are a specialist and you don’t have a particular role, please let me know.


Please take the time now to review the attached PPT which outlines the logistics for the event. If you have questions, you can email them to me, or come and see me.  Year Leaders and Team Leaders will be going through this with you in team meetings over the next couple of weeks.  

KNI Logistics

Thank you for your support for this worthy cause.




Charity Week General Information


Please see below for some general information about Charity Week, which runs from 22nd January to 26th January.


Letters and Sponsorship Forms
SO will hand you these tomorrow. Please ensure they go home with students. Information will also be posted on Year Level Blogs.


Information Sharing
Year leaders have the resources from WILL. Please ensure these are shared with students prior to Charity Week. The objective is that students understand what they are donating money for. Please take opportunities to promote the charity, and the wider concept of kindness, love and charity, throughout the week and beyond.


Games Day-Tuesday 23rd January
This will be at RP this year. Year 5 games will be in the gym, and Year 6 Games will be in the red courtyard. Half of a year group will start in the gym and the other half in the courtyard, swapping half way through. Below is the schedule for visiting the games.

Gym then Courtyard Courtyard then Gym
9.10-9.50 (swap at 9.30) Y2A&B  Y2C&D
9.50-10.30 (swap at 10.10) Y1A&B  Y1C&D
10.50-11.30 (swap 11.10) Y3A&B  Y3C&D
11.30-12.10 (swap 11.50) Y4A&B  Y4C&D


Free Dress Day-Friday 26th January
There is no charge for this day. Please remind students about this via the diary in the days preceding.


Whole School Assembly Friday 26th January
On the theme of Charity Week: 8.45 to 9.45, Gym.


We would like the 100rmb from all students by Friday, and will collect this from you on this day. You will receive a tick list and envelope from the office on the Monday of charity week, to collect the donations in. Please lock these away in your room each day. We will create a polite reminder to go out on Thursday for students who haven’t paid by this day.

Fight The Famine – Bingo Afternoon Information

Dear Colleagues,

On Thursday April 13, there will be a Bingo Afternoon from 3:15-5:15pm for Year 3-6 students.

The Bingo Afternoon is a charity event to raise funds for the extreme hunger that is spreading throughout 4 countries. In Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen there are 20 million people at risk of starvation. The UN has called this the largest humanitarian crisis since 1945. They have called out to the global community for help, and we want to send money to UNICEF to contribute.

Here are a few links with more information (there are some videos within these articles which include some quite upsetting scenes – so best if these are just for teachers – not students)


We would also like for you to show the students the following video and poster (click on image of poster to enlarge):


These resources help to explain the famine and the event. When the video is over, please show the poster. The ticket price of 100 RMB includes chances to win prizes, in addition tot he provision of snacks, and drinks. Tickets will go on sale next Wednesday March 29, and Ann will send a detailed email outlining the ticket purchasing procedure. Please be sure to show the video and poster before the ticket sale date so that students are aware. More details about the event logistics will follow as well.

For the event to be successful, we need teachers to donate their time and talents. We will need teachers to attend the event to be guest bingo callers, bingo checkers, big pitcher of drink pourers, dismissal helpers, etc. Please email or come and see Ann (McCormick) if you are willing to help out! Year 1 and 2 and ECE teachers, we’d love to have you too, even though the students are not included.

Kind Regards,

Ann McCormick

Charity Week 2016-2017

Charity week is next week: 31 October -> 4th November.


Please see the attachment below. The timetable contains the schedule for the week. If there are any errors in this, especially in the bus timetable, you need to let me know. The  bus timetable is what will be sent to SD to arrange the buses, so if there are errors on there, your buses will be wrong.


2016-2017-Charity Week Final Timetable

UPDATEDBus Timetable including Bus Numbers


There are notes on the timetable regarding what will happen for Chinese on various days. Thanks to Sissy for this.


Purchase requests should all be completed-please let me know if there are any problems.

Kids Night In Schedule

Dear Teachers,


The schedules for KNI on Friday evening are now complete for RP and CP.  Please have a read of them carefully to identify where you have been asked to help out.

KNI RP Schedule 2016

KNI CP Schedule 2016

Note, the pick up times are now 6.30pm at RP and 7pm at CP because of the families who have siblings on different campuses.  A reminder that it is also free dress day on Friday for all staff and students regardless if the students are staying for KNI or not.


Let me know if you have any questions.  Your support to make it a fun night for the students while raising money for charity is appreciated by all.




English PLC Updates- Charity Week Writing Activity

This year the Writing PLC is working to support both our teachers and students in further developing the level of writing success experienced in our students. Our main focus for achieving this is working with VCOP. As part of the philosophy behind VCOP, we want to be creating a process that starts with discussing writing and ends with celebrating it. VCOP comes from the work of Liz Roswell and aligns to her premise that, ‘if children can say it they can write it’. Through the year, we are hoping to find events and features of our school community and life that stimulate conversation and discussion which can be naturally extended into writing. In doing that, our aim is to develop a culture at our school that writing has purpose and meaning, and that we write to share our thoughts and feelings.

With this in mind, the events coming up for Charity Week would be a great opportunity for the children to write about. Next week, all classes will be buzzing and talking about the activities of the day. Teachers will also be taking photos of each activity. We would like to ask all teachers to make sure they take the time to talk about and reflect on these activities with the children. This could be using the photos taken through the week to discuss and share during class assembly/pastoral care time or even creating a photo board displaying Charity Week photos. The aim is to encourage discussion, and generate thoughts and ideas.

Then in the following week (Week 11), we would like students to participate in a writing activity sharing their experiences during Charity Week. This could be set as the writing homework task for the week or a journal activity in class. We will then set up a writing display area to share different pieces of writing for others to read. If students do not want to have their writing displayed, this is fine. It will be on a voluntary basis or we could ask teachers to pick a few samples, however we would like all students to participate in this activity. PLC members will pass out special paper for children to use. Thursday, November 5 is the due date for those who wish to submit their published work for display. (If needed, we are happy for teachers to pass pieces of writing on the Monday after due to there being no school on Friday.)

Below we have generated some writing topics that the children could use, but each year level can think of their own if they wish. Perhaps a writing task that relates to your current unit of work, with the Charity Week theme. EAL teachers, EAL students will also have the opportunity to participate in this activity. Andrea will discuss this further with you next week.


Suggested writing topics could be:

I had a great time during Charity Week because….

My favourite part of Charity Week was…….

What does Charity Week mean to me?

Write a retell about your favourite Charity Week activity

Explain why Charity Week benefits those who give, as well as those who receive

Write an acrostic poem about CHARITY WEEK

Imagine if you wanted to organise Charity Week, what would you include in Charity Week and why? Write a letter to Mr Hehir to persuade him.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email Melissa or speak to your Year Level Leader.


Thank you for your support!

English PLC Team

Charity Week Schedule

Dear Teachers,


Attached to this post is the schedule for Charity Week.  There may be some small changes but I want to share it with you now it is complete, so you can be aware of the times and plan your week accordingly.

Charity Week Class Timetable

If there is a clash, please contact your Year Leader who will let me know if there are any edits.




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