Good morning Everyone 

Its RED Air- no outside or court yard play today- all windows and doors closed

Natasha is away sick, and Zoe S is covering K2C class


ECE Leaders off campus-

Both Coordinators and ECE Year Level Leaders will be off campus from 8am to 2pm. Please see Rob W if issues arise or Primary Coordinators if you need support.

Stacey (K2B) will be covered by Sil

Debbie (K3B) will be covered by Orange

Suzanne V (K4B) will be covered by Nathan



Fridges– Please clean out the staffroom fridges today. The parents will need them empty to add food for Wednesday


Staff Appreciation Day–Wed, 20th March


Year Level Meetings– Wednesday 20th-

ECE & Primary Staff meeting – Wednesday

Rob would like to call a brief staff meeting on Wednesday (tomorrow) at 3.30pm in the Auditorium. It will only take approximately 10 mins at most, but I would like everyone to be present. After the briefing, please continue with your Team meetings

Free Dress Day– This Friday the student council has arranged a free dress day. It is to support Global Goals, if you look at Primary Blog you will see the link to them.


Have great day

Veronica & Michelle