Hi Everyone

Red Level – indoors

  • The air AQI is significantly high today, so please keep a close eye on any students who have respiratory conditions
  • Please  keep all outside doors (including the double doors) closed, to keep the filtered air inside.
  • The Courtyard not available – Year 1 art project is happening
  • Please check your email in case the air quality improve during the day.
  • Please note that we use on-site air quality monitors to determine the AQI level.
  • No CCL

Natasha is away sick, half day (am) Zoe is covering k2C

Nadine R is away from today until Friday 15th on an accreditation visit.

Remember your baby photos to Nadine R by tomorrow


Week of the Young Child- 22-26 April

Family Day for week of the Young Child- 26 April


V & M