Good Morning,


Teachers Away

Janice Deufel is away on casual leave. Emily Beavers will cover 6C

Jennifer Cairns is away on Sick leave today. 1D will be covered by Venus Lee. Her EAL students will remain in the mainstream today.

Y4E Cindy Zhou is away on sick leave. Sharon Ni will cover her Chinese class and co-teaching responsibilities.


Air Quality

Green  Level.


Accreditation Meetings

A few accreditation meetings are taking place today.

Cathal, Dale, and Cat are all involved. Their classes will be covered by Arti, Dan and Sue respectively.


Y1-2 LS review meetings

Please see schedule below:

June 2015 – LS review meeting times June 2015

Henricus will be covering teachers involved in these meetings.


Y2-6 Chinese Exams

These take place today.


Ceramic artist

The Ceramic artist will be at CP this morning, where he will be teaching a year 6 class, and then will be at RP in the afternoon for an open studio.


RP Student Council Meeting Today

Please send your Student Council reps to Jeanne’s room (304) for a meeting this morning at 10.00am.  Reps should take their snacks with them.  Thank you.


Year 4 Curriculum Assembly

Y4C will be presenting their curriculum assembly at 2.30pm in the auditorium.

Please remember to hand your awards to me.


1B Field Trip

1B will be going the the City Shop Farm, from 9am-2pm


No Staff Meeting Today

Please note that there will not be a Staff meeting today.


Draft Reports

Please pass these to the relevant coordinator today



If you are going to be back in Shanghai around August 1st and would like to help with meeting/settling new teachers into their apartments, orientating them re Carrefour etc. please email Moira ( with your dates and best way to contact you on your return.   Moira will contact you with a schedule upon your return.   It may be meeting just one person or a couple – so won’t take hours!    Thanks, Moira


Tea, Coffee and Bagels – Message from Andrew

On behalf of Damien, Mary, Rob, Janie, Melissa and I, Tea, Coffee and Bagels will be provided this morning for all teaching and non-teaching staff.  This will be served in the Staffroom at RP (0930-1030) and the Conference Room at CP (0945-1010) during morning recess.

We would like to thank you for your efforts, flexibility, support and endless hard work during this last Semester, particularly with the recent Violin and Summer Music Concerts and everything else at this busy time of year.


Upcoming Sports Notes – CP

  • Thursday June 11 Yr 5 Boys & Girls Soccer @ CP against Regency Park, if raining it will be indoor soccer 3.20-4.20pm. (Coach Grimes & Zarzo)*** Teachers please ensure that students have handed in permission slips to their teachers enabling them to play.
  • Tuesday June 16 Yr 5 Co-ed T ball @ RP (Coach Mills)


Upcoming Dates/Reminders

  • Staff Social – Friday June 12 – Remember to RSVP by end of today Night at the Races Booklet
  • Summer Tours – remember to send any videos/projects/classwork with out Admissions Team
  • Learning Support Review meetings:
    • Y5-6 – Friday, June 12
  • Leave application forms – please remember to submit these to Laurin Liu (HRD) if you have been away on sick, casual or personal leave or have been on a training course/workshop


Have a good day,



Teachers Lounge

Moving Sales:

Michael Kostera – Moving Sale Mike K

Alina Ianovskaia – Alina Garage Sale