Dear all,

It’s that time of year again where we need to start to think about class placements for the next academic year. For those of you who were here last year, the procedures are quite similar. We will run through all the procedures at Wednesday’s campus-based meeting, although please carefully read the following guidance before the meeting.

Class Placement Procedures 2014-15 updated

We will be using the same info cards for the students as last year, with the exception that we will be asking that a photograph be placed on it. This will certainly make it easier when placing students. You will be passed the photographs (same as the year book photos) either before or at the meeting tomorrow. Please can the info card be filled out on digital copies and then printed, rather than the information being written on.

class placement – boys template.pages

class placement – girls template.pages

A letter will also be sent to all parents tomorrow (see below), asking them to request three friends that they would like their child to be placed with next year. Please ensure that you keep all parent request slips. Please note that should a parent ask for a certain teacher, then please let them know that it is not possible to accept teacher requests.

Placement of Students Parent Note 2015-16

And finally, due to the large number of teachers that have children in the school, we will also not be able to accept requests from staff for certain teachers. It is simply impossible to accommodate everyone’s requests without making the classes imbalanced.

Please let me  know if you have any questions.


