The Pleasure of Combination with Learning and Play – Year 3 Topic Study of the Four Great Inventions

The Four Great Inventions of China were the most significant influence that the ancient Chinese people had brought to the world. In the recent Chinese Studies Classes, Year 3 students not only learned this topic but also felt the pleasure of the practical work.

With the teacher’s instruction in class, the students firstly learned the development process of paper and the invention of paper-making. Then, everyone took an active part in the practical work and experienced the interest of paper-making. After adding the proper proportion of paper pulp and vegetable gum, they kept stirring the liquid until its color became even. After that, they poured the pulp liquid onto the prepared gridding and sprayed several dry leaves or flowers on it. When the pulp liquid became totally cry, the students gently teared it down and pieces of creative work came into our view.

We couldn’t avoid mentioning the art of printing when we had paper at our hand. On the special pattern, the students quickly used little lead squares to assemble their familiar Tang poetries such as Dawn of Spring, Sympathy for Peasants, In the Silence of Night, etc. They felt the sense of achievement when they read and assembled the poetry.

Moreover, the students learned different  compass  points and used them to tell directions everywhere on campus. What was more, some students even adapted the story of gunpowder into a short play. Bravo for the children’s creativity and fantastic performance! They tasted the pleasure of combining with learning and play.

Y3D Co-Teacher – Lavender XU