Category: Reporting (page 2 of 3)

Seesaw Launch 2018

Good Afternoon,

Next week we will be relaunching Seesaw to all our families. A letter will be sent home on Monday to inform families that further information will be shared at PIE and that they will be given their personal family login details in order to access their child’s Seesaw journal. Please print a copy for new families and check which returning families still need to register. Please use this link below to find out how to access your family login details if you are not sure. You can either watch the video on the link or click how do I invite parents. If you need any further assistance, please see your Year level Leader.

As part of the PIE presentations, you will share the Seesaw video and a slide about why we use Seesaw. We would like you to then show them the family login sheet and give a quick explanation of how they can sign up to Seesaw. Amita and Alex will also be in the cafeteria for any tech. support if needed.

Before we launch Seesaw, it will be important that teachers have posted some photos. We know a number of photos over the first week of school have been taken, and so this would be a great opportunity to start by posting some of these. No more than 10 photos is really needed as long as they show a few different parts of the week.

Please make sure that you review the Seesaw Guidelines for posting photos.

SeeSaw  Guidelines 2018

Please can we ask that Seesaw posts have been completed by Tuesday at the latest before PIE.


Any questions, please let John or I know.


EoY reports

 The time has come around for us to start preparing for End of Year Reports. Please take the time to read over the report guidelines that have been attached. We have also added a document with report comment samples as an example of suitable comments and a guide to help you develop your comments.

Report Samples


Year Level leaders, please add this to your team meeting agenda either this week or next week.

Before you commence writing your comments, the first step is to ensure that your PTP is up-to-date and that you review grades given. It is also a good time for you to start making notes for student comments. As per last year, we will be asking Specialist teachers to pass on any relevant comments for students if necessary.  Amita will be coordinating this. Further information has been provided in the guidelines.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask your Year Level Leader or Coordinator.



Melissa & John

Semester 2 Progress Reports

Dear all,

Over Semester 2 we have had a number of new students enrolled in the school. Those students that commenced from the start of the semester (week 17), up until week 24, will now require a Progress Report. If these students attend EAL they will also require a report from their EAL teacher.

We still have a bit of time before these reports are due, however please see the timeline below.

Wednesday, March 21:

Draft progress reports for new students who enrolled between Week 17-24.

(Y1-6 – to send reports to Melissa to edit)

Thursday, March 22: Melissa to pass back draft progress reports to teachers by the end of day. Teachers to make final edits by end of the day on Friday.
Monday, March 26: Office to print progress reports and pass to teachers with envelope.

Tuesday, March 27

( Week 28):

Send home Progress Reports

If parents would like to meet to discuss their child’s progress report, please make a time to meet with them after school.

Please see a list below of those students that require a progress report. If for any reason you have already written a progress report for a student listed, please let us know. Any student that commences after week 24 will only receive the end of year report.

New Student List – Progress Reports

Any issues, please let John or myself know.

Reports – Action needed from International Co-Teachers

Hello all,

We have streamlined the topic section of the report. Please see below for what this will look like (ignore the completed grades):

Please note the below:

A)  The effort grade you have entered in the Social Science gradebook is the one reflected for all of topic-as per the above. If you have entered a Science effort grade, this will not be displayed on the report. This is the same as previous years. Please ensure the effort grade for topic reflects the whole subject (not just social science).

B)  We have consolidated Science, History and Geography (Topic) under one heading (as you can see above): this will ensure it is clear that they are seen as one subject, and that the effort grade applies to all areas.

C)  Action needed. We have consolidated the various strands of Science into Scientific Knowledge and Application. This grade will generate automatically from your Science grade book once you do the below.

  1. In the Science Gradebook, as per the below, click on Students>Standards Progress.
  2. Click the wheel icon at the top right (under your name-not the one on the left), and select Recalculate Final Grades.
  3. In the dialogue box which appears when you have pressed Recalculate Final Grades, ensure Standards Final Grades is the only option ticked.
  4. Check that the strand with the green box below has now calculated, and that it reflects the students’ ability in this area.

It is very important that, when the reports are physically printed, you do a final check of all sections for any missing grades.

Please see us if you need help.

John and Melissa.

Mid Year Reports 2017-2018

Dear Teachers,

The time has come around for us to start preparing for Mid Year Reports. Please take the time to read over the report guidelines that have been attached. We have also added a document with report comment samples as an example of suitable comments and a guide to help you develop your comments.

Samples of the report will follow.


Mid-Year-Report-Writing-Instructions 2018 Final

Year Level leaders, please add this to your team meeting agenda for next week.

Before you commence writing your comments, the first step is to ensure that your gradebook is up-to-date and that you review grades given. It is also a good time for you to start making notes for student comments. As per last year, we will be asking specialist teachers to pass on any relevant comments for students if necessary. Further information has been provided in the guidelines.

If you have any questions, please ask your Year Level Leader or Coordinator.


Melissa & John

Progress Reports Instructions 2017-18

Good Afternoon,

Progress Report writing will begin shortly! We have attached the Progress Report Instructions outlining expectations and the timeline to support you in completing these reports.

John and I will go through these in detail with you at your next year level meeting, so please can we ask the Year Level Leaders to add this to the next meeting agenda.  We will also show you how to input marks and comments into Power Teacher Pro.

The instructions include a description of the effort marks you are allocating with a reminder for the year level to ensure that marks have been moderated within the team.

Due to the Year 6 Camp, John will work with this team on an amended timeline.



Thank you!

EoY reports


The time has come around for us to start preparing for End of Year Reports. Please take the time to read over the report guidelines that have been attached. We have also added a document with report comment samples as an example of suitable comments and a guide to help you develop your comments.


2016-2017 EY Report Guidelines

Report Samples


Year Level leaders, please add this to your team meeting agenda in either week 29 or 30. We will also make some time to look at where to input report comments and effort marks in Power Teacher Pro.

Before you commence writing your comments, the first step is to ensure that your PTP is up-to-date and that you review grades given. It is also a good time for you to start making notes for student comments. As per last year, we will be asking Specialist teachers to pass on any relevant comments for students if necessary.  Amita will be coordinating this. Further information has been provided in the guidelines.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask your Year Level Leader or Coordinator.



Melissa & John

New Student Progress Reports

Dear All,

At the beginning of the semester we had a number of new students enrolled in the school. Those students that commenced from the start of the semester (week 17), up until week 24, will require a progress report. If these students attend  EAL they will also require a progress report from their EAL teacher.

We still have a bit of time before these reports are due, however please see the timeline below.

Wednesday, March 22

Draft progress reports for new students who enrolled between Week 17-24.

(Y1-5 only – to send reports to Melissa to edit)

Friday, March 24 Melissa to pass back draft progress reports to teachers.
Monday, March 27: Office to print progress reports and pass to teachers with envelope.
Tuesday, March 28: Send home Progress Reports

If parents would like to meet to discuss their child’s progress report, please make a time to meet with them after school.

Please see a list below of those students that require a progress report.

Students requiring a progress report

Any issues, please let John or myself know.

Scrolling Left and Right on PowerTeacher Pro

A lot of people have mentioned how inconvenient it is not being able to use the trackpad to scroll left and right on PowerTeacher on pages such as the scoresheet, or  any page where there are more columns than will fit on the screen. We have just discovered a partial fix for this. I know this is too late for this reporting cycle, but it may be useful in the editing process and going forward.


  1. On your Mac, from any application,  click the Apple menu at the top right, and choose System Preferences :



2.   Then select General:



3.       Set Show Scroll Bars to “Always”



This will make scroll bars appear, as per the below.:


These can then be clicked upon to move left and right. This is considerably easier than using the arrow keys.  You can also use these scroll bars to review and edit grades while having the comment displayed in large view on the right hand side.


Reports-Important Points to Note

Please note team leaders have been taken through this blog post, and will work with you to ensure you get this right-it will be addressed in your team meetings.

As you may be aware, we have had some issues with PowerTeacher Pro and the format of the report. The below is intended to rectify this and ensure authentic reporting.

The below will not take long-but please read carefully and follow the instructions to ensure your reports are consistent and authentic.

Final Grades

If your parent strands do not calculate, you need to recalculate the final grades via the method illustrated in the following screenshot.  Make sure, where it says classes, you choose all your groups on which you report. Do this as the last step, when you have finished entering grades.

unknown image003

English: Presentation/Handwriting
Parent strands: YC.X.ENG.5- Writing Presentation and YC.X.ENG.6.1 – Handwriting Presentation have the same substrands. They are, however, not linked in PowerTeacher Pro (PTP) and need to be entered separately.

Please therefore go onto PTP and check that both 5.4 and 6.1 have an indicator as they both appear separately on the report. If you have only assessed one, you should copy the grade manually into the other. See below for an example (where in this case 5.4 was assessed correctly via linked standards from assignments, and 6.1 has been manually entered).

Moving forward, our suggestion is to just use ONE of these standards during your assessment, and  enter the other manually on the EoY report if necessary.



English: Y1&2 only
YC.X.ENG.4.1 and YC.X.ENG.3.1: word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) are identical in wording and in the substrands attached. This will appear on the report twice however, in two sections-once under phonics and spelling, and once under reading. Please make sure the same indicator is in 4.1 and 3.1, manually entering as necessary.

Moving forward, our suggestion is to just use ONE of these and substrands during your assessments, and we can enter the other manually on the EoY report if necessary.

English-Effort Marks
Please note there are individual effort marks for each section of English: speaking and listening; phonics and spelling; reading; writing; handwriting. Ensure these are all entered.

Note that the previous number strand has been broken down further from last year’s report, and there are now extra parent strands which will appear on the report. See the attached sample reports below for what will appear on the report. For each of these parent strands, there must be some assessment in PTP in order to generate an indicator on the report.

For example, in the below picture, multiplication and division will generate as blank on the report.

If this change means you need to use NA in any strand, you must check this with your coordinator. This must be consistent across the year group.


On the report there is a strand called scientific knowledge. This is in PTP as YC.X.SCI.2.2 (and substrands). The substrands for this are simply the names of the domains (e.g Living Things and their Habitats,  Forces, Earth & Space, Animals including Humans) and we would think you are unlikely to have linked these to any assignments. This will therefore generate blank on the report.


Our suggestion for this is that you replicate the grade you used for Application of Knowledge (YC.X.SCI.2.3) – Application of Knowledge. We feel this is the most meaningful way to complete this indicator because the substrands under application of knowledge, by definition, also require scientific knowledge. The substrands currently under the scientific knowledge indicator are not worded in such a way as to be meaningful or useful for assessment.


Blank Reports FYI

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