Dear all,

Over the past semester, more and more co-curricular activities have been organised to place after school and on weekends. This of course is fantastic for the students, but it has brought some other associated challenges…namely the supervision of students after normal school hours.

Increasingly, we are finding that students are playing around the Courtyard, Play Structure/Field and Hallways without adult supervision. Whilst it is great to see the students playing and socialising after school, there is a need to ensure that they do so safely.

We will therefore be communicating to parents the following points (starting from Monday).

  • RP Courtyard: Students should be accompanied by an adult where in the courtyard after school. The RP Courtyard will close at 4.45pm.
  • Library: Parents/Guardians must supervise their children at all times in the Library after school. If a Primary child is waiting for a MultiSports activity or IIIP lesson to begin (e.g. Football or Gymnastics), then they may stay in the Library to finish their homework/read if they are accompanied by their parents/guardian. The Library will close at 4.30pm.
  • ECE & Primary Hallways: Students should not be running around the hallways, or should always be accompanied.
  • Outdoor Play Structure/Field: Parents/Guardians must supervise their children at all times if their child is playing outside after school. At this time of year, it gets dark quite early. To ensure that students are safe, the Field and Play Structure will close by 5pm. (For Multisports football, the field will close straight after the final session)

For this to work, we will need all staff on-board and vigilant after school to ensure that students are being adequately supervised by the parents/guardians. Therefore if staff see students running around the hallways or playing unsupervised, please take their name and ask them to find their parents. A member of the CLT will then follow-up the next day with that child. If this is repeated behaviour, we will contact the parents.

Please take time this week to speak to your classes about these expectations.

Please let me know if you have any questions,
