Hello, Fengjing!


Last Wednesday Y3 Chinese B SL class had a trip to Fengjing Ancient Town. The purpose of the trip was to practice students’ Chinese in the real world. It was essential to understand the culture and traditional features of the town, such information could be gathered from local museums and people.

During the trip students were able to buy local snacks like stinky tofu and grilled squid. For lunch, students were given an opportunity to get anything they wanted, however all communication had to be in Chinese. Some choice to embrace the purpose of the trip and go to Chinese local restaurants, while others preferred to stick with the comfort food served in Starbucks. Final challenge was to survey a local about his or her life and find out what they do in their spare time and typically buy.

To end the trip all students were invited by their Chinese teacher Ms. Cao to go on a boat ride across the Ancient town. Everyone enjoyed the exploration and was very happy about a day spent outside classroom walls.

Y13C – KIRINA Yulia