Category: Character Education (page 2 of 2)

Character Education: Self-Control Resources

Hi everyone,

Here are the resources for this month’s character trait on self-control.

Lesson Plan:

Self-Control Lesson plan-272agh1

Character Builder video: @PRIMARY/Character Education/Character Builder video/

Videos: various videos on self-discipline techniques and the marshmallow experiment on delayed gratification: /@PRIMARY/Character Education/2017-2018/Self-Control/Videos on self-discipline

Activities files:

A habit of Self-Control-1aa3j38

Black Bear Ursus americanus: INFORMATION-1e4p6ls

Control Thyself-1tc1969

Copy self-control I Will’s Y1-2-12sm2m2

Curriculum Connection-Science eco-friendly-15cy6xi

Self-Control Red Light, Green Light Activity-1ivhp0w

Self-control Word Etymology -1z4kpdj

Self-control Word trace Y1-1toyz3v

Self-discipline and willpower article-2fupnvw

teaching Self_Control-24qt120

Team Building Activity-1u17pja


Character Education: Harmony

Hi Everyone,

Our first character of the year is Harmony. Below are resources that will help you in reinforcing the character in your classrooms. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Key Understandings:

Students will understand that…

  • Harmony requires to look beyond appearances.
  • Harmony allows room to grow
  • Harmony requires tolerance
  • Harmony requires self examination, and identifying your own tendencies.
  • Harmony requires cooperation with others.

Essential Questions:

  • What can you learn from those who think or express themselves differently?
  • When did someone give you room to learn from your mistakes?
  • How can you help someone learn from their mistakes?
  • How do you stay focused on what is right, when you are tempted to do otherwise?


Y1 Word trace Harmony word trace-v6i3lw

Y2-3 Copy I wills Copy I Will’s Harmony-19yki8t

Y4-6 Discuss the word etymology for harmony/ Unscramble the ‘I will’ statements I wills jumbled.-2kjz43y




Cooperation: different activities involving cooperation—can be adapted for your year level COOPERATION-27y56c6


PE (Teambuilding)

Divide students into groups of 2.

Take them into a large room or outdoors.

Put an item an appropriate distance away from them.

Tie their legs together 3-legged-race style and tell them they need to work together to reach the item.

If they succeed without discord, they get to play with the item.

If they experience conflict, they need to start over again.

You can also divide them into bigger groups.


ICT Y3-6

Spend some time researching symbiotic relationships in nature, and parasitic relationships.

Explain to your children that there are special friendships (symbiotic mutualistic) in nature that are helping and harmonious relationships. Symbiotic mutualistic relationships occur when two different organisms (plant or animal species) live together and help each other survive. (For contrast, parasitic relationships where one organism benefits, while the other is harmed.)

An example of mutualistic relationships includes the crocodile and the thick knee (bird). The bird feeds on the food left between the crocodile’s teeth, and the crocodile benefits by having its teeth cleaned.

Science Experiment:

You will need 1 tbsp of vinegar, 1 tsp of baking soda, 2tbsp of water coloured with a few drops of red food colouring, and a small bowl.

  1. Begin by placing the vinegar in a bowl. The vinegar represents a child playing happily with a toy. The baking soda represents another chilinterrupting and asking for the toy. Add the baking soda to the vinegar and you will see a lot of fizz. Tell your children that the fizz is fighting. The first child says, “No, you can’t have my toy!” The second child starts yelling, “I’ll tell Mom and Dad if you don’t share!” Be sure to pour the red coloured water into the bowl before the fizzing stops. With the addition of the red water, all will be calm again.
  1. Explain that the red water represents love, kindness, forgiveness, etc. Summarize by saying that responding to others in difficult situations with love or any of the other character results in peace instead of discord.
  1. Have your children think of scenarios in their lives where they need to choose to respond in love to maintain harmony. Redo the experiment for each example and allow them to pour in the red water.

Chinese Culture

During Chinese culture time, discuss how Taoism and Confucianism teach about harmony. You can talk about the history of the Yin-Yang symbol and how it relates to harmony.

KNI-Charity Resources to share with your students

Hi all,
We would like you to introduce the context for the charities we are supporting via the students’ donations at KNI. Please do this as best fits your year group. Pastoral care assemblies would be a good fit for this. We would like all Y1-6 students to have seen the below media.

Qufu SoH school

This is where the book covers and the bookmarks the students have made will go to.

If any class would like Leo to be there during your presentation to answer any questions, please let him know the date and time and I’ll confirm with you.

YCIS has enjoyed a great relationship with Qufu SoH school for 5 years. In that time, we have seen students grown from Y1 all the way to Y6. Our school has provided playground equipment, desks & chairs, computers for staff, and various sporting equipment and stationaries. They enjoy receiving gifts that are made by our students. The bookmarks and book covers will be greatfully received.

The video is on the server-follow this path (this is not a live link): smb:// Pub/SoH trips Photo/KNI Qufu


WILL Foundation – provides a home on Chongming Island for a small number of abandoned orphans from throughout China.

Please review the attached keynote-this also contains some information on KNI which you may wish to share to promote the event:WILL Keynote 1

You can also look at WILL’s  website:




Flexibility Resources

Here are some resources for the upcoming Flexibility Character Trait. Please feel free to share these with your class or use in Pastoral Care. We will be providing these activities every month.


Aug2015Flexibility: Various Flexibility materials with activities and stories

flexibility student guide: Character First material for students

6. FLEXIBILITY: Character First material more in-depth with activities and stories


Y1: Word trace: Word trace

Y2-3: Copy I wills: Copy flexibility I Will’s Y2-3

Y4-6: Word Card—Student will look up the definition of Flexibility and the various forms noting the different parts of speech and making sentences: Word Card



Y1-3: show video: “Hummingbirds Ultra Slow Motion – Amazing Facts, Full HD”

Discussion on what makes hummingbird special from other birds and how do they adapt to the environment to survive


Y4-6: Can watch the video above or choose an animal you might be studying. Can use “Animal facts organiser“— have students research the hummingbird ( or any other animal being discussed) and gather information about their habitat and any special fact about them.

Building destruction during earthquakes

Y3-6: Discuss with students why building collapse during earthquakes. Show video “Why do buildings fall in earthquakes – Vicki V. May”

Research ways scientists are constructing buildings that are more earthquake resistance. Show video “How We Design Buildings To Survive Earthquakes”

10 Technologies That Help Buildings Resist Earthquakes



Coloring the Hummingbird (click picture for the resource):


Game: All year levels

Word Reseach: Print or display “Flexability-findaword” and have students find the words. Discuss how the words are related to “flexibility”. Flexability-findaword

Life Skills:

Year 5-6: “Thinking Flexibly Lesson” Thinking Flexibly Lesson

Opportunities to discuss real world problem and the lessons we can learn from being flexible and using the SODAS (Situation, Options, Disadvanages, Advantages, Solution) model to come to a solution. Apollo 13 clip provided.

All year level: “SuperflexvisualFlexiblethinkingvsstuckthinking.docx” SuperflexvisualFlexiblethinkingvsstuckthinking. Various statements that demonstrate a super flexible thinker vs a rock thinker set in his ways. A great opportunity to develop a “flexible” growth mindset.

Team-Building Activity

Building a culture of good character requires building the class into a community. Here is this month’s teambuilding activity:

Hoop Circle

Have students form a circle and join hands. Break the circle and thread a hula-hoop on someone’s arms. Without breaking hands, they must pass the hoop to the next person continuing around the circle with each player stepping into the hoop and then over his/her head and on to the next person. You can create two circles and have them compete against each other or put everyone in the same circle. If you use one circle, you can time them and then challenge them to beat that time a second time around. Be sure to encourage them to help students who may struggle with this exercise. The only rule is that they can’t drop hands.


Fight The Famine – Bingo Afternoon Information

Dear Colleagues,

On Thursday April 13, there will be a Bingo Afternoon from 3:15-5:15pm for Year 3-6 students.

The Bingo Afternoon is a charity event to raise funds for the extreme hunger that is spreading throughout 4 countries. In Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen there are 20 million people at risk of starvation. The UN has called this the largest humanitarian crisis since 1945. They have called out to the global community for help, and we want to send money to UNICEF to contribute.

Here are a few links with more information (there are some videos within these articles which include some quite upsetting scenes – so best if these are just for teachers – not students)


We would also like for you to show the students the following video and poster (click on image of poster to enlarge):


These resources help to explain the famine and the event. When the video is over, please show the poster. The ticket price of 100 RMB includes chances to win prizes, in addition tot he provision of snacks, and drinks. Tickets will go on sale next Wednesday March 29, and Ann will send a detailed email outlining the ticket purchasing procedure. Please be sure to show the video and poster before the ticket sale date so that students are aware. More details about the event logistics will follow as well.

For the event to be successful, we need teachers to donate their time and talents. We will need teachers to attend the event to be guest bingo callers, bingo checkers, big pitcher of drink pourers, dismissal helpers, etc. Please email or come and see Ann (McCormick) if you are willing to help out! Year 1 and 2 and ECE teachers, we’d love to have you too, even though the students are not included.

Kind Regards,

Ann McCormick

Character Resources: Dependability

Below you will find resources that would help you with your Dependability trait.

For all year levels:

  • dependability for older students— Character First resources geared for older primary students that contain tips, stories and examples.
  • dependability— The Character First resources for all grade levels with different crafts, tips stories from history, etc…
  • Dependability play—This is a play to be enacted in a classroom or could be a springboard for your character assembly.


Craft for Y1-4You can count on me – Craft— As a reminder for children to do the things that they promise, they’ll make a small booklet of chores or responsibilities that others count on them to do.


Year 1-2:


Years 2-4:

  • Sentence formation Dictionary use: Dependability Word Chart
  • Craft: Clock Craft—A craft to make a clock that can be coloured as they like and life lesson about the need for the clock to be accurate in order to be dependable.



  • Team Building activity (click on image):

Team Building


Who do you depent on?


Year 5-6

Mathematics (significant digits web link) – click on link



Wet Recess activities





Wisdom Activities Resources

Dear all,

Please find below links to some activities to assist you with the teaching of ‘Wisdom’.


Literacy- Handwriting
Year 1-2  Copy Wisdom I Will’s Y1-2

Y3-6 Copy I Will’s Wisdom


Y4-6 Science: Since Year 4 is learning about the skeleton it may be good to investigate the owl’s anatomy. Here is a link to help you get started. It has valuable information on various subjects. Great place to start. You can use the following for students to record their findings: ICT Horned Owl facts organiser

Link to owl pages


Y1-2 Maths: learning shape (craft activity)

Owl Craft | Learn Shapes | Preschool Printable Activities | Coloring Page Version

This activity reinforces different shapes as the students put together the owl.

Various resources on Wisdom:
The following resources is from CF.


Other Resources

Character First Resource

  • Story about the Owl—Wisdom in Nature pages 4-5
  • Wisdom in History: The Making of a Leader (story about George Washington) pages 6-7
  • Various actives, poems, and song

Extra Resource on Wisdom

  • Story of Katherine Magnolia, a girl who suffers from spinabifida who wrote a successful book
  • Team building activities
  • Number battle
  • Green thumb Wisdom: experiment in taking care of a potted plant.
  • List of book related to Wisdom


Please let me know if you have questions about any of the resources, or would like further information.


Character Education


I will…

Use my talents

See things through other people’s eyes

Use my imagination

Look for new & different ways to solve problems

You can find resources and activities at:

@Teachers Pub/@PRIMARY/Character Education/2014-2015/Creativity

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