Good Morning, 


Teachers Away

Neil Perrotte is away on sick leave. Henricus will cover his EAL classes today.

Jennifer Stains is away on sick leave. Arti Mittra will cover 1A

Edward Swider is away on sick leave. Music lessons in P1 and P2 will be cancelled. However, Ingrid will cover his music lessons in P3 and P4. Diana will lead the orchestra today.

Alan Chen is away this week. During this period James Liu will work with Elvin Liu to cover daily work at the RP campus.


Air Quality

Orange Level


Y4A, B and D Field Trip

These classes will be going to the Apple Store from 8.00-11.30am


RP Art Show

Opens tomorrow. Please note that the Green Courtyard will be out of action today whilst the artwork is all put up. Anita’s Art lessons will also be cancelled today, as previously notified.


Staple Guns at RP – Message from Anita Dai

At the beginning of the year, I lent out a bunch of staple guns to different teachers who were working to put up their display boards.  When I went though my collection yesterday, I found that I don’t have all of them back. If you happen to find a staple gun in your cupboards that says “RP ART”, could you please return it to the art room at some point today? The parents and I will be desperately needing them as we put up the artwork for the Art Show today.

If you happen to have an extra one of your own that we could borrow, I will promise to return it to you (if you label it with your  name or classroom) at the end of the day.


Message from the PPTs

Some of us are missing chargers & wires for the iPads. If you have borrowed the charger/wire, please return it back immediately. These chargers are meant only for the iPads.

It is very difficult to keep the iPads in a usable condition if the chargers go missing for this great student resource.


Secondary Exams at CP – Message from Ian Lee

Many thanks to all the students who were so quiet in the corridors last week when some of the older children in Secondary were taking some very important exams. Please remember to look out for the signs around the school this week too, as there are more exams happening today and for the rest of the week. THANKS again!


Secondary Musical 

This takes place this week. Please be reminded that there will be rehearsals in the Auditorium for much of this week.

The Y5-6 students will be watching the performance on Tuesday at 12.45pm. For the RP teachers, please feel free to show the flyer below (click link), as they may want to go with their parents.

Charlie Brown

CP Sports Notes – Please remind the Y6 participants

CISSA Junior Boys Basketball training this afternoon 3.40-5.00pm. (Coach Kravalis & Bryant / Coach Chan & Fine)


New Student

Carolyna Kataja will be starting in Y6A today.


Upcoming Dates/Reminders

  • Staff Meetings this week – On Wednesday, RP will have a meeting regarding the Year Book, and CP will have Year Level Meetings
  • RP SLCs – Thursday 16th April
  • Year Book Photo Re-takes – Monday 20th April. More info to follow.
  • Environment Week – 20-24 April
  • Y6 Track & Field Day – 21st April
  • Y5 Track & Field Day – 22nd April


Andrew and Melissa will be out at the Hong Qiao campus for most of today. Please contact me or the Co-Principals for any matters arising.


Enjoy your day,,



Teachers’ Lounge