Good morning and Happy Friday!

We would like to start today by celebrating our wonderful Everyday Heroes from March and April (apologies for the delay!). Once again there’s so many examples of people going over and above all expectations. If you do get a spare 5 minutes, we do encourage you to read through them, as it highlights what a truly wonderful and caring community we have – Please click the images below to enlarge:

As you know, we randomly picked out 4 ‘winners’ at the staff meeting this week… congratulations to them!They will each receive a Carrefour card, which hopefully they’ll be able to spend in the near future!

For May – please start to add you nominations here:

Everyday heroes!


Staff Absent

  • None


Global Community Week Launch Assembly


ECE Staff Briefing Slides/Resources from yesterday


Staff HIIT Session by Multisports:





Upcoming Dates