Good Morning!


Air Quality

Red Level:

  • Indoor play and recess. 
  • Courtyard is available -please check availability via the outlook calendar.
  • Please be vigilant with any students who have respiratory conditions today. 
  • Please check your emails before recesses, should the AQI level change to orange


Staff Absent

  • Zoe Andrews (marriage leave). Jamie will lead Zoe and Jamie’s social skills groups so these will still go ahead. See Sil for child protection concerns. Zoe’s other sessions are cancelled.
  • Joan Chen will be away this afternoon. Sunny Li will cover her class.
  • Michelle Tasa is away today (Sick Leave). Momina will cover 2A
  • Eva Wang is away today (sick leave). Mary Tan will cover her class.
  • Janie Dong is away this afternoon (sick leave).


Winter Music Concert Rehearsals:

Tuesday see below the student lists for those attending:

Ukulele Club Rehearsal

  • 10:45am: Y4&5 Ukulele Club to 309 to prepare for departure to CP (return by 12:30pm)

Junior Choir and Orchestra Rehearsal

  • 1:00pm:  Junior Choir and Junior Orchestra to meet in 307 to have names marked off depart for CP. Teachers please remind Y4-5 students to eat their lunch promptly at 12:30pm and be sure to bring their instruments and music with them to 307.  In addition to those on the orchestra list please note that Matthew Margolis (4C) and Joseph Margolis (5D) are also required to attend.

Please note that Aliki’s lessons will be cancelled during these rehearsals days, and Diana, Mira;s and Sophie’s lessons will be cancelled in the afternoon.


Staff Bus Arrangements for Winter Concert tomorrow

Two shuttle buses from RP to CP have been arranged for Staff who are supervising/attending the Winter Concert tomorrow. Please see info below.

  • School bus 2
  • Driver Mr. Sun (the first bus may be 5 mins later than scheduled, depending on traffic).


Emergency Evacuation Drill

This is scheduled for approximately 10.15am. Please note that if it remains red air, we will postpone it. An email will be sent at 9.45am if it is going to be postponed. Please see following reminders:

  • Please remind class of procedures and that it will take place during Y4-5 recess
  • Students should not return back to the classrooms, or go inside the building. They should also remember that they should walk to the designated line (this could be a challenge during recess…but it is important for them to be told about this).
  • Duty teachers – it will be your responsibility to guide the students to line up.
  • For the Y1-3 students, it would be good to ensure that the students place their coats on the backs of their chairs after their own recess, so that they can wear them when the fire alarm sounds.
  • If any teachers are in the ECE building at the time that the alarm sounds (eg in the staff lounge), then they should line up with the ECE students, by the ECE gate.
  • As this is the first time that we have held a scheduled evacuation drill during recess, we will be asking for feedback. There will likely be procedures that we will need to tweak to make it more efficient, so please be observant and email either Veronica or I any relevant observations.
  • We will inform the parents after the drill, via email.
  • Please see emergency procedures here: Emergency-Procedures-Regency-Park-Campus


Y5B Apple Store Trip



Heating at RP

Please note that the heating will be turned on at RP today. At this time of year it is difficult to regulate the temperature, as some rooms (facing N) tend to be colder than the South facing rooms. Although the heating will be set at a low level, some rooms may become hot. In this case, please  manually turn off the heating from the controls in the classrooms.


Chinese Culture and Chinese New Celebration Week – Mark on your calendar

As time is quickly passing, the Chinese department is starting to plan the Chinese Culture and New Year Celebration Week. We will be hosting this event for all our ECE and Primary students at Regency Park Campus from Monday to Friday on January 21st ~ 25th, 2019. It will be a great week of cultural-related activities for students and teachers to experience the joy and excitement of their host country’s culture.

One of the highlights of this event is the Chinese New Year Celebration Nightwhich is at 6~8 pm Friday January 25th. There are a variety of exciting activities, performances and cultural-related activities will be held and run by all the teachers.

Please remember that this is an important event in the school’s calendar, which very much reflects the YCIS philosophy.  It is an expectation for all teachers to attend, so please mark this date January 25th on your calendar to avoid other plans.


Christmas Parties

I know that Christmas is still a little way off at the moment, but I wanted to share the following reflections that came from last year’s parties before any were starting to be organised.

  • When making arrangements for the parties, please make sure that they are in the last week of school (17th-21st Dec). Year leaders – once the dates of all parties in your team have been set, then please email me so I can add to the calendar.
  • Also, please ensure that the classes in a given year level are consistent in their approach…in other words, classes don’t need to be doing exactly the same activities, but we want to avoid the situation where one class is having a shared lunch/tea, and another is not.
  • Book/gift exchange/secret santa is fine to organise assuming it is consistent across the year level, but do not organise gifts or gift bags to go out to students on the last day (even if organised by parent rep)
  • If parents need to bring food for a party, please organise sign-up forms (paper or online) – rather than parents having to ‘reply all’ to an initial email.
  • No videos during class time – only on last day
  • If you are wishing your parent reps to help out, then please make contact with them soon.


Student References

It is at this time of year that teachers are occasionally asked to complete reference letters for students who are applying to different schools. If this happens, please ensure that it is checked by the relevant coordinator, before passing it to the office. Please also note that reference letters/documents should be sent directly to the school that the child is applying to, and not sent back to the parents. Please speak to a coordinator if you have any questions.



  • CCAs – last Tuesday CCA session is today
  • YCIS Christmas Dinner: Deadline: Nov 23  sign-up here  
  • Overseas Orders (Team leaders) – Deadline Nov 23
  • Mid Year Reports – see guidelines Report Guidelines
  • Coffee Pods – click here


Upcoming Dates

  • Wednesday, November 21
    • Winter concert rehearsals and concert (6.00pm)
    • Reports – specialist comments to Amita by end of day
    • 5D Trip to Apple Store, 10.00-12.30pm
    • Y4D Curriculum Assembly, 2.30pm
  • Thursday, November 22
    • Y2B Curriculum Assembly, 2.30pm
    • Y6 Character Assembly – Hospitality (Leo)
    • 5A Trip to Apple Store, 10.00-12.30pm
    • Anne Dwyer visit to RP
  • Friday, November 23
    • Y6C Curriculum Assembly, P6
    • Y1A Curriculum Assembly, 2.20pm
    • RP Student Council Meeting (Long)
    • Y5 trip to CP for Assembly and lunch