Here are some resources for the upcoming Flexibility Character Trait. Please feel free to share these with your class or use in Pastoral Care. We will be providing these activities every month.


Aug2015Flexibility: Various Flexibility materials with activities and stories

flexibility student guide: Character First material for students

6. FLEXIBILITY: Character First material more in-depth with activities and stories


Y1: Word trace: Word trace

Y2-3: Copy I wills: Copy flexibility I Will’s Y2-3

Y4-6: Word Card—Student will look up the definition of Flexibility and the various forms noting the different parts of speech and making sentences: Word Card



Y1-3: show video: “Hummingbirds Ultra Slow Motion – Amazing Facts, Full HD”

Discussion on what makes hummingbird special from other birds and how do they adapt to the environment to survive


Y4-6: Can watch the video above or choose an animal you might be studying. Can use “Animal facts organiser“— have students research the hummingbird ( or any other animal being discussed) and gather information about their habitat and any special fact about them.

Building destruction during earthquakes

Y3-6: Discuss with students why building collapse during earthquakes. Show video “Why do buildings fall in earthquakes – Vicki V. May”

Research ways scientists are constructing buildings that are more earthquake resistance. Show video “How We Design Buildings To Survive Earthquakes”

10 Technologies That Help Buildings Resist Earthquakes



Coloring the Hummingbird (click picture for the resource):


Game: All year levels

Word Reseach: Print or display “Flexability-findaword” and have students find the words. Discuss how the words are related to “flexibility”. Flexability-findaword

Life Skills:

Year 5-6: “Thinking Flexibly Lesson” Thinking Flexibly Lesson

Opportunities to discuss real world problem and the lessons we can learn from being flexible and using the SODAS (Situation, Options, Disadvanages, Advantages, Solution) model to come to a solution. Apollo 13 clip provided.

All year level: “SuperflexvisualFlexiblethinkingvsstuckthinking.docx” SuperflexvisualFlexiblethinkingvsstuckthinking. Various statements that demonstrate a super flexible thinker vs a rock thinker set in his ways. A great opportunity to develop a “flexible” growth mindset.

Team-Building Activity

Building a culture of good character requires building the class into a community. Here is this month’s teambuilding activity:

Hoop Circle

Have students form a circle and join hands. Break the circle and thread a hula-hoop on someone’s arms. Without breaking hands, they must pass the hoop to the next person continuing around the circle with each player stepping into the hoop and then over his/her head and on to the next person. You can create two circles and have them compete against each other or put everyone in the same circle. If you use one circle, you can time them and then challenge them to beat that time a second time around. Be sure to encourage them to help students who may struggle with this exercise. The only rule is that they can’t drop hands.