Can media change how we learn?

Many of our Chinese teachers share the same childhood memory from their school days: Every morning, they would sit in the classroom together and recite ancient Chinese poetry with or without understanding the meaning. This poetry enriched their childhood, but as children, they didn’t have the knowledge and skills to understand the aesthetic context.
Those beautiful ancient Chinese poems were passed on in the oral tradition over generations, then they were written in scrolls, then printed on paper, then published in books, and now they are shared and accessible to the whole world on the internet. But after surviving four massive media revolutions that have ushered in this modern Information Age, can technology really impact how we learn and understand Chinese literature, especially ancient Chinese poetry? We decided to further explore this topic with our Lower Secondary students, getting some of their feedback. 
Our Year 7 CFL students started their new adventure of studying “Ancient Chinese poetry” with Ms. Ni and Ms. Chen in August. This week, we interviewed the teachers and several Y7 students. Here is some of what they learned “in their own words.” 

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Parent Information Evening 课程介绍会

If you missed the PARENT INFORMATION EVENING this year, please feel free to down the introduction of Lower Secondary Chinese and Upper Secondary Chinese here.


初中部中文课程 Lower Secondary Chinese Curriculum:

Download Here: LS – Chinese

高中部中文课程 Upper Secondary Chinese Curriculum:

Download Here: US – Chinese