Year 6 Graduation: A Time for Reflection

Written by: Cathal Grimes, Year 6 Leader

The Year 6 students have been reflecting on their time in Primary school, and everything that is important to them. They are thankful for the love and support of those around them, and would like to share this with the YCIS community on Friday, June 19.

While the Year 13 students are graduating and moving on to a new chapter in their lives, the same can be said of our Year 6 students. The leap to Secondary may not seem as big to those of us who have gone through it, but we must remember that it is a significant milestone in the lives of the children that are preparing to depart Primary school and begin a new chapter of their own.

Y6B student Sonya said, “Now is a time of excitement and nervousness… I am really looking forward to the next stage of school, but I will always remember Primary.” Memories of Primary school were prevalent in the speeches written by the students during their English lessons. Some talked about the Camps they went on, others the activities they took part in: sports, music, drama, and many others.

One thing that all students mentioned, was their families. The love and support they have felt from their families over the years is clearly a source of pride for the students. Families, as we know, come in different shapes and sizes. Some students spoke of the help from their parents; others mentioned grandparents, siblings, ayis, and more. Lucas in Y6C, spoke of the gratitude he felt for everything his mother and father had sacrificed to help him become a good person.

This year, perhaps more than ever before, we all must reflect, and perhaps learn something from our Year 6 students. We should be thankful for our family. The global pandemic has caused many families to be apart in one way or another. We must be there for one another in whatever way we can.

These students will go through many important milestones. We hope you continue to be there for them.