New Playground Creates a Stream of Joy in ECE

Written by Veronica Martin (ECE Coordinator)

1-ece-new-playgroundThe ECE has recently installed a new artificial stream for the ECE children allowing them to build and explore the world using their senses, which creates a stream of joy!  And better yet, the idea came from the students themselves.

img_2762Water and Mud play allows children to build and explore the world using their senses. They can investigate, observe and predict what will happen in a medium of their choosing. As each child squishes their fingers and toes through the mud or whirls them in water little tiny brain connections are being made. Each child is experiencing the learning in their own way and not being directed by sometimes restrictive adults. They can explore how things sink or float, how to pour water onto something dry and turn it into something else.

img_27491At YCIS, we believe that all children have the ability to control their own learning environment and that each child should be able to contribute to it.

Last year for example, the K4 students came up with the idea to build and add an item to their outdoor play space. They created some plans and the teachers along with other departments saw it come to fruition. And this is how the ECE stream was born.

img_2960The children have been playing and laughing in it with their rain-boots on or just in their feet feeling the water rushing past them, floating their boats, digging in the mud or building with the leaves as they fall from the trees.

Have a look one day after school and have your child explain how they are using this new play area. You may also create some new learning memories along the way.
